•08• Mistakes

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  (Once again start the song at Draco's POV)


(n) The strong urge to avoid someone or something

Pansy's POV:

    Horrific. If I were to have to use one word to describe what just happened it would be, horrific. After Genesis ran away I immediately followed hoping to catch her and talk before she disappeared like a ghost. Genesis is a strong girl, always has been but I knew what she just did to Theo would break what's left of her tiny soul completely. I had  seen her run up to the astronomy tower followed by gut wrenching screams. She was hurting and she would never allow me to see. I know what she thinks of me, I know loves me to death but believes that I don't know what she's going through. And she's right, I have no idea what caused her to be like this or what her feelings truly are. For I never had to kill anyone. No one knows why the dark lord only chose her to do the killing but he did and she will never be the same for it.

    I was scared. She's unpredictable when she's like this and I knew it would only make matters worse if I went up there because like I said before I can't relate to her. But I think I know someone who can. Unfortunately for me he's a complete arsehole who doesn't care about anyone but himself. Fucking blond ferret.

    I was on a mission, and Draco Malfoy was my target. Okay so when you get there just simply say there's uhhhh....1st year smoking weed in the astronomy tower, yeah that it'll get him to go up there especially since he's a prefect and is required to!! Pansy you sly dog.

    As I entered the the Slytherin common room I immediately spotted a head of annoyingly bright blond hair lounging on the couch looking deep in thought. Perfect!! But as I averted my eyes to the right of him slightly I saw a very drunk and depressed Theo. Ooo not so perfect....Do it for Gen Pansy!

     "Uhh hey Dracoooo" he looked up at me with a annoyed expression on his face. "What Parkinson?!" He said sounding a bit exhausted...oh well suck it up Malfoy. "Um I heard that a couple 1st years were up at the astronomy tower smoking some muggle weed." I said confidently. He growled but got up nonetheless. "Weed you say?" Theo perked up at the new information given out. "Hey Malfoy wait up I'll go with you." Crap,crap,crap,crap " UH NO!!" I shouted out a little to quickly. "Uh Draco's a prefect so he has to confiscate it and if you go the kids will know your just taking it for uhh yourself." God Pansy you need to work on your excuses. Theo thought about it for a second before nodding slightly and sitting back down in his previous position. Phew. "Just make sure you bring it back here to me then." Theo added on making Malfoy smirk and roll his eyes before he was off to go (catch the 1st years). Please help her Draco.


Draco's POV:    (Cue song)

      Fucking 1st years always doing dumb shit. Always taking me away from relaxing.

    As I climbed up the stairs of the astronomy tower I couldn't help but notice the lack of the pungent smell of weed. I swear to god Pansy if you were wrong I'm going to kill you. I made it to the top of the tower only to be see that there were no first years and no weed. I'm going to kill her.

    It was then when I saw a blob of black sitting on the railing of the tower. I walked closer to the person only to realize that I already knew who it was just by the fucking  hair that was as black as the night sky.

A slow painful death, that's what Pansy was getting when I see her next.

"Malfoy." She stated without turning around to face me. "Griffin" I spoke grinding my teeth together remembering what happened last time we were alone together, fucking bitch slapped me. Granted maybe I went to far by calling her a murderer but isn't that what she is? "What are you doing here?" She asked finally turning towards me boring her eyes into mine like she was trying to look for something.

Sorry but you're not gonna find anything it's all empty.

  "Parkinson tricked me. Told me that I had to go bust some kids for smoking weed up here since I'm a prefect." I said shrugging my shoulders.

   She looked terrible. I mean she looked fine on the outside but I know better than that, and she looked mentally terrible. "Thinking bout your boyfriend?" I asked knowing exactly what had happened earlier. Poor git practically put his heart on a silver platter  only to have her accidentally bump it making it fall and shatter on the floor. Could have been easily avoided simply by not falling in love. Uh even the thought is repulsive. "Shut the fuck up Malfoy!" She yelled at me.

     She jumped off the ledge with her ball gown following and shoulder checked me as she made her way for the exit. As I reached out for her wrist I suddenly understood why Pansy had tricked me to coming up here. "It's not your fault Griffin" I found myself saying. God I sound fucking pathetic. Telling her lies just to what? Comfort her and make her feel better. "Don't even start with that shit Malfoy we both know it is so spare me the fucking pity!" She spat raising her voice.

   "Fine you wanna be that way?! It is your fault, you made him think you felt the same way for you own selfish reasons because you can't handle what the world gives you unlike the rest of us!"

   I fired back raising my voice louder than hers. "Your right" she quietly said back scoffing at herself.

"Wait what?"

  "I said your right Malfoy, I can't take what this world gives me anymore and Im so sick and tired of caring." I went to go say something back but no words came out of my mouth. " and you were right earlier too on the balcony, I am a murderer. I murdered Neville Longbottom, one of my best friends, and my own fucking mother." She laughed out painfully. "I- Stop trying to make me feel fucking guilty Griffin you know I didn't mean that earlier." I told her angrily taking steps towards her. "But you were right Malfoy, I- don't understand how Theo could even think he could love a murderer like me."

"Shut up Griffin"

"Wow could you imagine what he would think if he found out I'm the one who killed Clara." She continued on laughing while a tear broke free from her eye and cascaded down her porcelain cheek.

"Stop it" I said again

"You think he would still love a monster like me the Dra-"

"God do you ever stop talking Genesis?!!" I yelled, stopping her mid sentence, grabbing her head and pressing my lips against hers hoping to shut her up but instantly regretting it when she didn't pull away.

Was the kiss to soon I feel like it sorta was ahhh idk what do you guys think?!!


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