Chapter 18

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Clementine wanted to take the lead, she said she knew how to get back to the Governor and New Jackson, we agreed to let her lead, which was a mistake.

After hours of wandering around I decided to speak up.

Y/N: I don't think we're getting somewhere.

Clementine: Quit whining, we're almost there.

Y/N: Quit acting like you know the way.

This made her stop and turn back to me.

Clementine: You wanna say you know the way?

Y/N: I don't, but at least I don't act like I do.

Clementine: I know the way! We just got lost a little.

Minnie: Like we did while trying to find the way to the New Frontier? You guys really like getting lost.

Clementine: It's not easy to navigate through a huge forest like this one. You could try to help instead of complaining.

Y/N: Help with what?

Minnie: Getting lost apparently.

Clementine: Fuck you guys! I'm trying to get us outta here while you're being jerks.

Y/N: We should try a different direction.

Clementine: Oh yeah? Which one?

Y/N: The one without walkers.

Clementine: Funny.

Minnie: Not funny at all, we ran into a walker horde two times already while following you. We don't have the weapons to fend them off.

Clementine: Not my fault. These things are everywhere. And besides-

Y/N: Shhh!

Clementine: Excuse me?! Don't-

Minnie: Shut the fuck up, Clem!

Minnie whispered aggressively.

We listened closely and heard some people talking a bit further away.

Minnie looked at me.

Minnie: Do we engage or not?

I shook my head.

Y/N: Too dangerous, we're not well enough armed to fight.

Clementine: They could lead us to a settlement. We should ask them for help.

Minnie: Y/N is right. We don't know if they're friendly. We wouldn't be able to defend ourselves if they decide to attack.

Clementine: So you're saying we should just stay her and do-

???: Drop your guns. You're coming with me.

A deep voice behind us said.

???: If you turn around I'll shoot.

Minnie and Clementine complied and dropped their guns.

???: Rick! Come here, I got someone.

Of course it's fucking Rick.

Rick and his group came up to us. Looks like he got himself some new members.

He looked at Clementine then at us.

Rick: I remember you two. You were part of the Governor's Army.

???: Then we should kill them!

Someone yelled from the back.

Rick: Nah, not yet. Good find, Daryl.

He said to the guy that stood behind us and made us drop our guns earlier.

Don't Be Afraid | Minnie x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now