Chapter 8

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She asked me if I saw Violet back at the school, which I didn't.

I told her what the others told me. Violet and her boyfriend left the school and headed to a tower to live there.

She was happy that her best friend found someone and left the school. She said she'll visit them one day.

Minnie: Its gonna make things way easier.

Y/N: Mhm, but I don't think we'll just go in there and defeat them.

Minnie: Why not? You were the only one that could fight. You were the one that told them to fight back instead of cowering, I don't think they'll put up a fight without you.

Y/N: I don't know...Marlon is a coward. He'll do everything to survive. Maybe he has some friends that can help him.

Minnie: I don't think he has...ugh wait...

I stopped walking and looked at her, she wanted to take Tenn to her other shoulder.

Y/N: Tired? Come on, I'll help.

Minnie: I'm fine.

Y/N: Its okay, I'll help.

I took Tenn from her and threw him over my shoulder.

Minnie: Thanks.

We kept walking and talked about the Delta and how we're gonna do things until we finally arrived at the boat.

Y/N: So, that's your boat, huh? I gotta admit it's bigger than I expected.

Minnie: Yeah, but it's still old and slow.

A guard approached us while aiming his rifle at me.

Minnie: Easy there, he's with me. He accepted my offer to join us.

Guard: Is that so? Okay, keep going then, what about the kid?

Minnie: I knocked him out, he's gonna be fine. We have to talk to Lilly.

Guard: If you say so.

He stood aside and we passed him and went into the boat.

She put Tenn on a table and we went to Lilly's office, which was guarded by two guards.

Guard 1: Hey there, he with us now?

Minnie: Yeah, he is. We need to talk with Lilly.

Guard 2: Give us your weapons first.

We gave them our crossbows.

Guard 1: You have anything else on you?

I do, I still have the gun that I took from Louis.

I shook my head.

Guard 1: Good, you can enter.

He knocked at the door and opened it after Lilly allowed him to.

We stepped into her office and the door was closed behind us.

Lilly looked at me surprised.

Lilly: Well, well, well. Look who it is. Ha...You never fail to surprise me, Minerva.

Minnie: I offered him to join, he accepted.

Lilly: Is that so?

She asked me.

Y/N: Yes.

Lilly: And why the sudden change of mind?

Y/N: I was thrown out of the school.

She chuckled.

Lilly: Now that's ironic, isn't it? You were the reason they survived and they throw you out to die...How sad.

Don't Be Afraid | Minnie x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now