Chapter 3

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I stayed here for the night.

The hut had a cosy bed, but I knew I couldn't stay here for very long.

I have to keep moving, so I did.

I just kept going forward until I heard people talking to each other.

I sneaked up and scanned the area.

Only two guys, but they both had rifles with them.

I need these rifles but I know they won't just give them to me.

I have to take them.

I aimed my crossbow at one of them and waited until the other one parted from him and went to check on something.

I took the shot and it hit.

His body fell to the ground, while the other one didn't even notice.

I went up to the body and took his rifle, before turning my attention to the second guy.

I sneaked up to him and used the crossbow to hit him in the back of his head, knocking him out.

I also took his rifle away from him and looked around.

They had a tent here. This tent was full of maps, ammo, arrows and melee weapons.

There was also a badge besides the weapons. The same badge was attached to both of their jackets.

Seems like they're part of a group.

Did Minnie and the other guy also have badges?

I wasn't able to remember. I didn't pay enough attention to it back then.

There was also a rope in the tent. I used it to tie up the guy that I knocked out.

About an hour later he finally regained his consciousness and looked around like a lost puppy.

I sat down in front of him.

???: Wha-what do you want?!

Y/N: I'm gonna ask you some questions. Answer them and I'm gonna let you go.

???: How am I supposed to know you're not lying?

Y/N: You have my word.

???: Like it means something.

Y/N: Means more than anything in your life right now, so what do you say?

???: Oh...okay...fine.

Y/N: Just tell me about you and your group.

???: How do you know about-

Y/N: The badge on you jacket gave it away.

???: Fuck! Just please don't tell them, they'll kill me for this.

Y/N: Who?

???: Well the Delta, who else?

Y/N: What can you tell me about the Delta?

???: You don't know who we are?

Y/N: I do. I just wanna hear it from you.

???: Well...We came here recently. We need new recruits. The war with Negan is killing off our soldiers faster than we can recruit new ones.

Y/N: Why do you fight against Negan?

???: I-I don't know. Some territory disputes or something. You ain't with him, right?

Y/N: No, I'm not.

???: Okay...that's...that's good.

Y/N: Why?

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