Chapter 7

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I was wandering in the woods, I had no destination. I could return to the hut but I didn't want to. There's no point in hiding. I have to go to the Delta. Maybe I shouldn't hold a grudge against them. They're evil, but this school deserves them.

I forgave them for throwing me out once, but twice? No, they have to pay for that. Marlon and Louis have to suffer for this.

I could've just shot Marlon with my crossbow, but that would've caused Louis to pull the trigger.

At this point I hate them even more than the Delta.

Why not join them and help them fuck this place up?

I could just walk up to their boat and surrender.

Shame that I have no idea where their boat is.

I heard something behind me so I turned around and aimed my crossbow in the direction where the noise came from.

There was nothing. I could swear that I'm being watched, but maybe it's just me being paranoid.

I kept walking until I heard something behind me again.

I aimed at the tree where the noise came from.

Y/N: Enough. Come out, now.

A girl came out with her hands in the air.

Y/N: Minnie? What are you doing here?

Minnie: Hey...I followed you.

I lowered my crossbow.

Y/N: Why?

Minnie: I dunno, I guess I was just curious what you're gonna do next.

Y/N: I was thrown out...again.

She nodded.

Minnie: I saw that. I'm sorry.

Y/N: Don't be, they'll pay for this...wait, did you just say you saw it? Were you watching us?

Minnie: Yeah, I had to. It was an order.

Y/N: You guys wanna attack the school again?

Minnie: Mhm, there is a second boat on the way to us.

Y/N: A second one? Wow that's a bit overkill, isn't it?

Minnie: Lilly isn't playing around. She's really mad. She wants to kill everybody back at the school. That's why I followed you. If you surrender to her now, she won't kill you.

Y/N: That's what she said?

Minnie: Yeah, she still wants you as one of her soldiers, but if you stay with the school, she'll kill you.

Y/N: Well, I'm not part of the school anymore, so that's taken care of.

Minnie: So what do you say? You wanna join? It would be pretty cool to have you on board...uh I mean as a soldier, you know.

Y/N: I guess I'll join.

She raised her eyebrows, slightly surprised.

Minnie: Really?

I nodded.

Y/N: Really.

She smiled.

Minnie: Good, that went way better than I expected. Glad you're with us...Now there's only one problem...

Y/N: Which one?

Minnie: Lilly wants to kill everybody at the school...

Y/N: Tenn too?

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