Chapter 9

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After a few hours we could finally see the boat, which was slowly coming closer to us.

Y/N: There it is, finally.

Minnie: Are you that eager to attack the school?

She asked with a smirk.

Y/N: I just want to get it done, the faster the better.

Minnie: Yeah, me too.

Lilly came out to us and the rest of the Delta gathered behind her as she was watching the boat come closer.

Lilly: Fucking finally. Everybody knows the plan. Just wait until they arrive.

After a few minutes the other boat stopped besides our boat and the men jumped over to us.

Y/N: That's a lot of em.

I whispered to Minnie.

Minnie: Way more than I expected.

Y/N: It's a bit overkill don't you think?

Minnie: More than a bit.

Abel: Hey, the fuck you two whispering about?!

I looked at him and we both recognised each other.

Abel: You...

Y/N: Mhm.

Abel: The fuck you're doing here?

Minnie: He's with us now.

Abel: Ha, I knew you wouldn't make it on your own. I know weaklings when I see them.

Y/N: Give me my bike back or I'll show you what this weakling can do to you.

Abel: What was that? You little shit threatening me?

He stepped closer to me, but Minnie pushed him away and stepped in between us.

Minnie: That's enough, step back.

Abel: ...What? You think you can tell me what to do?

Minnie: Yes, I just did.

Abel: You forgot your role little bitch?

I pushed Minnie aside before hitting him straight in his face full force.

He fell down, holding his face.

Y/N: Déjà-vu.

Abel: You fucker!

All the other were now looking at us.

Lilly: What the fuck?!

She stormed over to us and looked at Abel.

Lilly: The hell you think you're doing?!

Minnie: It was his fault, he provoked us!

Lilly: So what? That doesn't mean you can hit him in the fucking face!

Y/N: If you're waiting for an apology, I have to disappoint you. You'll get none.

Lilly: Oh, we'll see about that. We'll meet again after the attack. Then we're gonna see how tough you really are. You'll head out now.

Y/N: What about my gun?

Lilly: You really think I'm gonna give you a gun after what you just did?

She asked with a smirk.

I turned around and left the boat, Minnie followed me.

Lilly: Let them go first, keep your distance and attack once they tell you that it's safe.

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