Chapter 1

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Bonnie: Y/N! How long you gonna make us walk around in this forest?

Y/N: We're almost there.

Bonnie: Just admit that we're lost.

Y/N: No, we ain't.

Shel: I need a break.

Y/N: Okay, I guess we can sit down for a bit.

Shel: Not a break from walking, a break from you two arguing all the time.

Y/N: I wasn't arguing at all.

Bonnie: This is all your fault, we should've just stayed at our old camp.

Y/N: So we can get killed like Jordan? No thanks.

Bonnie: Better get killed in our camp than in a forest. We're gonna die just because you're not capable enough to find a safe place.

I turned around and faced her.

Y/N: Why don't you leave then?

She shook her head and looked at me.

Bonnie: Excuse me?

Y/N: If you think you're able to find a safe place, then why don't you just leave?

Bonnie: I'm not gonna go alone. Not in this forest.

Y/N: Anybody wanna go with her?

I looked at the other members of the group.

Nobody answered.

Y/N: Looks like you're on your own.

Bonnie: You can't just kick me out.

Y/N: I'm not kicking anyone out. I'm giving you a chance to go by yourself.

Wyatt: Come on guys, let's just keep moving. I'm sure we'll find anything.

Vince: You're sure? You sure are optimistic, considering the fact that we haven't found anything for the past few days.

Y/N: Vince?

Vince: Yeah?

Y/N: Do you have food, water and clothes?

Vince: I do.

Y/N: Than it's not that bad, so stop whining.

Vince: I'm not-

Y/N: Yes you are and this conversation is over. I'll find a safe place for you guys and then I'm gone.

Russel: What? What do you mean you're gone? We're in this together, you can't just leave.

Y/N: I'm better off on my own.

I turned around and started walking again.

Y/N: C'mon let's keep moving.

Shel went up to me.

Shel: You're not serious about that, right?

Y/N: About what?

Shel: About leaving us.

Y/N: I'm dead serious, no point in joking around. Once I get you to a safe place, I'll go my own way.

Shel: Why would you do that to us?

Y/N: Its easier to look after yourself, than a group.

Shel: So you only think about yourself, huh?

Y/N: Right now? No. I'm doing this crap for you, but it's time to change that.

Shel: Always taking the easy way...nothing has changed.

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