Chapter 16

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We told the Governor that we're gonna set off with Lee's group and attack the New Frontier.

He suggested to send a few of his men with us but we declined and told him we got everything under control.

We met up with Lee's group and set off.

We stayed behind them just to make sure. They didn't like it but we didn't care.

After walking for a few hours Minnie started to get annoyed.

Minnie: Do you guys even know the way or do you just walk around and waste our time?

Lee: We know where their base is...we just got lost a little bit.

His confession made Minnie scoff.

Minnie: Fucking great.

Y/N: What do you mean you got lost? Do you know the way or not?

Kenny: We do, but it's hard to navigate through this fucking forest!

Y/N: Keep it down, we don't know what freaks might be around here.

Lee: Yeah, let's keep quiet.

Clementine: what direction are we going now?

Lee scratched the back of his head.

Lee: Good question.

Clementine: Come on Lee, it's gonna be dark in a few hours. We have to find a way as fast as possible.

Lee: I'm trying Clem.

He said while looking at the map with Kenny.

Kenny: There's a city near this forest. Maybe go there and rest?

Y/N: You wanted to attack the New Frontier, are you trying to tell us you're not well rested enough to fight?

Kenny: We never know what awaits us behind those gates, better be very well rested.

Minnie: Wait. You told us they're weak, now you're telling us you don't know what's behind their gates?

Kenny: Well they might get some reinforcements after hearing what happened to the Delta.

Y/N: Or maybe you just lied to us and have no clue about the New Frontier whatsoever.

Minnie: I'm starting to think the same.

Lee: Okay guys, let's just all calm down, alright?

Clementine: We didn't lie to you. We scouted their base they didn't have too many soldiers.

Lee: What Kenny meant is we don't know what kind of secret weapons they might have.

Y/N: Secret weapons? They're not a military base.

Lee: I know but every group has a trick up their sleeve.

Kenny: I worded it wrong, okay?! Not a big deal!

We heard a crack coming from the woods.

We all pointed our guns over to the direction of where the noise came from but saw nothing.

Y/N: I told you to keep quiet.

Steps where heard from all around us, but we weren't able to see anybody until people came out of the bushes, pointing their guns at us.

A guy in a coat came out too, looks like he's their leader.

???: I advice you to drop your guns. We don't have to make this bloody.

We were completely outgunned so we complied and put our weapons on the ground.

Kenny: Who the hell are you?

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