Chapter 11

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We spent a few hours on the tower. The fighting went away and it became quiet again so we decided to go back down where we met Kenny and Clementine.

They weren't happy to see us and aimed their guns at us while we did the same.

Kenny: What the hell is wrong with you? You just switched sides and attacked the school?!

Y/N: What was I supposed to do? Forget about everything and help you?

Kenny: No, but you definitely shouldn't have broken in here and kill Louis...and take Tenn away!

Minnie: Tenn's safe witch us and Louis tried to kill us.

Kenny: You don't have a say in this.

Minnie: I do. I'm a member of the school, you're a nobody that stumbled in here to hide.

Kenny: Hide?! We helped the school a lot!

Minnie: How? Yelling around like a retard?

Kenny: Watch your tone-

Y/N: You're the one who should watch your tone. You all would be dead without Negan. You're cowering behind the enemy because you're afraid to fight.

Kenny: Wasn't my call. It was Marlon's idea.

Y/N: Changes nothing. You all went with it.

Kenny: What were we supposed to do? Just leave the school?

Y/N: What was I supposed to do when you kicked me out?

Kenny scoffed.

Kenny: Can't argue with a brick wall.

Y/N: Can't argue with a lost drunk either.

Kenny: What-

Mitch: Hey! What is this all about?

He came up to us and looked at Minnie and me.

Mitch: You two...I thought you were gone.

Minnie: We're not, now tell them to lower their guns.

Mitch: Come on guys, let's all calm down, alright?

Clementine: That's rich coming from you.

Mitch: The fuck's that suppose to mean?

Kenny: Enough! Stop arguing. You know where Lee and the others are?

Y/N: Still on the boat.

Kenny: Fuck...

Y/N: What is it?

Kenny: Negan said he's gonna blow up their boats.

Y/N: With what?

Kenny: How am I supposed to know?

Y/N: If you wanna save them, you should stop pointing your guns at us and come with us.

Kenny: So you can put us down too?

Y/N: Or you can just stay here and do nothing...which you all are very good at.

Kenny: Shut up.

He lowered his gun and Clementine did the same before we did.

Kenny: Okay...after you.

Y/N: You're not gonna be behind us and use us as meat shields. If you wanna do this, we're gonna do this as a team.

Kenny: Whatever, let's go.

We left the school while passing dozens of bodies.

There were even more bodies in the forest.

Y/N: Looks like Negan lost way more than Lilly.

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