Chapter 12

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After a long walk we arrived at the remains of what once was Negan's convoy.

Paul: Looks like this is the place where they were attacked.

Y/N: The cars got completely destroyed. Looks like it was done with a rocket launcher or something like that. Delta perhaps?

Paul: I don't know. The Delta isn't located here. They only came by recently.

Minnie: So what you're saying is...there is another group running around with that kind of weaponry?

He shrugged.

Paul: I really hope not, but I don't see Delta doing this. This happened months ago. There were only two dominant groups in this area, the Whisperers and the Reapers, but they got defeated.

Y/N: Maybe Negan has some other enemies that followed him. Let's look around and see if we can find something useful.

We searched the area and found nothing but corpses.

Y/N: Looks like the remaining Saviours took all the guns with them.

Paul: Judging by all these bodies here, Negan was the only one left.

Y/N: You think he took all the guns with him?

Paul: Possibly...He's always driving around in a huge RV, so they will definitely fit in there.

Y/N: Talking about vehicles, did anyone see their vehicles by the school?

Paul: No, there were none.

Y/N: So they just marched to the school on foot?

Paul: Sounds ridiculous but that would explain the lack of cars.

Y/N: Something isn't right, but okay let's keep moving forward and get to the tower.

We walked for hours again until we arrived at the tower.

The ground was plastered with walker bodies and there was a ladder just lying around.

Minnie: There are so many of them...

Y/N: Looks like they mowed them down from the tower.

Minnie: Mhm...but why the ladder?

Y/N: Fell off perhaps?

Minnie: That's not good.

We looked up at the tower and noticed a hole in there.

Y/N: Looks like they were attacked by a rocket launcher too.

Paul: Look at this guy.

He pointed to a massive guy on the ground.

We went up to him and examined his lifeless body.

He had a bunch of bullet holes and other injures. He was stabbed in the head multiple times and was torn apart by walkers.

Paul: Wait...I know who this is...It's Beta.

Minnie: What kind of name is Beta?

Paul: He became the leader of the Whisperers after the previous leader Alpha was killed.

Minnie: Whisperers...okay...

Paul: They were a group that controlled walkers. They wore walker masks and walked with the walkers.

Minnie: Bunch of weirdos basically, good thing they're gone.

She looked at the tower.

Minnie: Doesn't look like someone's up there.

Y/N: We should check it out. Just to be sure.

She nodded.

Minnie: Yeah.

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