Chapter 6

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After we finished burying them we took some small wooden boards, formed them into crosses, carved their names into them and put them into the ground where we buried them.

Kenny: Damn...that's a lot of graves man...

Y/N: I know it's depressing, but this should serve us as motivation to kill our enemy. Make them pay for what they did to our guys.

He nodded.

Kenny: That's the only way to see it. So...what's your plan? You just wanna attack the Delta?

Y/N: As fast as possible. They lost a bunch of men and are weakened now. We should take the shot.

Kenny: You think the others will come with us?

I shook my head.

Y/N: Nah, I doubt it. They're not fighters.

Kenny: That's what I thought too, but they made it this far, right? Means they're not weaklings.

Y/N: They're not weaklings, but that doesn't mean they're fighters. I barely convinced them to fight against the Delta, remember? They all just wanted to give up.

Kenny: I know...but not all of them.

Y/N: Most of them. The only one that wants to fight is Mitch. That's it.

Kenny: So it's me, you and Mitch.

Y/N: Good enough.

Kenny: You really think we can take a boat?

Y/N: If we do it quietly, yes.

Kenny: Just sneak in and free the others? What if they refuse to leave?

Y/N: We won't give them a chance.

Kenny: What do you mean by that? You wanna put a bullet in them or what?

Y/N: We'll build a bomb and place it in the boiler of the boat. We then free the others, if they will come with us, perfect. If not...they'll have to pay the price.

Kenny: What?! We will not kill them!

Y/N: We won't. The bomb will.

Kenny: Nah man, that's not how we do it. If you wanna go and save them, I'm in. But this? You're no better than Lilly if you do this.

Y/N: This is the only way. We have to get rid of the boat. If we won't, they'll just return to their base. Maybe they're returning to their base right now.

Kenny: Why would they? They still have more than enough men left.

Y/N: It doesn't change the fact that they had heavy losses. They need to return and regroup for a second attack.

Kenny: This is not some sort of war. They're not soldiers, even if they act like they are. They don't think that far.

Y/N: They think far enough to give Negan a good fight, I'm sure they're not just some random raiders.

Kenny: Negan will crush them either way. They don't stand a chance. Nobody does.

Y/N: Negan will crush them, because we're gonna weaken them. If we destroy their boat and kill their leader, it's gonna be an easy win for Negan.

Kenny: Since when do you want him to win?

Y/N: I don't, but we have the same enemy. If we team up we can take them easily.

He scoffed.

Kenny: I wouldn't trust him if I were you. He's just as evil as the Delta.

Y/N: I know, but he's not the one that attacked the school. The Delta did. That's why we're gonna take them out.

Kenny: Not with a bomb.

Y/N: I'm gonna do it either way. It has to be done.

Kenny: Not this way, dammit!

Y/N: We'll give them a chance.

Kenny: Yeah and if they refuse we'll blow them up, great.

Y/N: It'll be their own choice.

He threw his hand in the air and walked away.

Kenny: I'll talk to you once you get this sick idea out if your head.

He entered the main building and slammed the door behind him.

I have to do this, with him or without him, it doesn't matter.

Now where can I find the right materials?

I looked around the school and found a little shed, the door was locked so I walked around it and found an open window on the roof of the shed.

I wasn't able to climb up there, so I returned to the school's basement and took the ladder with me.

I placed it in the right spot and climbed up.

I heard growling from the inside.

There are walkers down there.

I took my crossbow and jumped in.

Only two walkers, I took them out easily and looked around. They have some useful materials in here.

I found a few propane tanks and left the shed after I unlocked the door from the inside.

I can work with them, I can make a bomb with the help of some other ingredients, but I don't know where I can get them.

I put the propane tanks on the table and sat down.

Marlon: The hell is that?

I looked up and saw Marlon coming up to me.

Y/N: Propane.

Marlon: What do you need that for?

Y/N: Something.

Marlon: Tell me.

Y/N: Why do you wanna know?

Marlon: I wanna know because I'm the leader here. If you wanna stay you have to cooperate.

Y/N: Cooperate? I'm the reason you guys are still here.

Marlon: That's what you think? You're the reason why we're in this mess. We could've surrendered and this bloodshed never would've happened.

I scoffed.

Y/N: You're a coward.

Marlon: At least I'm not a dumbass like you. You think I don't know what you wanna do with those tanks? I know you wanna blow up the boat. Kenny told me everything.

Louis came up to Marlon.

I noticed that he had a gun in his hand.

I stood up.

Y/N: So?

He pulled out a gun and aimed at me.

Marlon: You'll leave now or I'll put a bullet in your head.

Louis aimed his gun at me too.

How dare they? I saved them from the Delta...

Y/N: Okay, fuck it. I'll just let the Delta fuck you guys up. You deserve it.

Marlon: We'll be better off without you.

I noticed Tenn standing at the school building.

He ran up to us and asked what was going on.

Y/N: Its okay, Tenn. They decided to throw me out.

Tenn: What? Why?!

I put my hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: It's okay, I'll be fine. Don't worry. This is not the first time, right?

Tenn: You'll be careful, right? We'll see each other again, right?

I nodded.

Y/N: Right.

Tenn: You promise?

Y/N: I promise. 

We hugged each other before I left the school and disappeared into the woods.

I'll return and I'll burn this place to the ground.

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