My Love

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Friday, December 13th, 2024

Tommy's birthday is in two days but she has to work so the 126 wanted to throw her a party a few days before. Even though she says she didn't want a party they didn't want to hear that. It was ultimately Nancy's idea because after all these years working under her she couldn't help but notice that the paramedic never had a birthday party.

When she told the crew everyone was on board. They decided on this club called The Rose Room. Since Tommy didn't feel like partying Nancy had asked Derek to take her to this restaurant called Olamaie where they would all be at before they had all went to the club. But, when she had asked Derek this she had no idea what he had planned.

13 hours before the party

Waking up feeling around the bed for Tommy. When he didn't feel her, he finally opened his eyes, adjusting to the morning light peaking through the blinds. When he sat up he seen Tommy curled up on the couch just a few feet away from the bed reading a book.

Gazing upon her, seeing as how the sun shone through the blinds onto her face, defining every detail that resides on it , it looked as if she was a personal gift from God.

Pulling the blankets off of him he walks over to where she is seated. Leaning over her kissing her on the crown of her head. "Good Morning my love. How long have you've been awake?" Walking to the end of the couch picking up her legs so that he can sit down setting her legs on his lap. "Good Morning love, I've been up since about 5:10"

"Why so early? Is everything okay?" "Yes, everything is fine there's no need to worry." She says with a smile on her face.

"So I was thinking, how about we go out for dinner tonight. You know because you have to work for your birthday and all. I already talked to Mrs. Beasley she said that she can watch the girls for tonight. So what do you say?"

Closing her book she looks up at him. "I'm not one for celebrating my birthday but since you already made plans, dinner sounds good." She says looking at him then back down at her book.

While he was rubbing her legs he asked, "Why don't you like celebrating your birthday? If you don't mind me asking."

Sighing she answered, "When I was young I grew up with a family who only had money for necessities. So, when it came to my birthday it was never like the other kids my age. Their birthday's got celebrated annually. Mine never did. I rarely got a "Happy Birthday" thrown my way and if I did it was by friends or teachers never my family. So, it's not like I don't like my birthday it's just that I'm used to not having it celebrated." She replied.

"Well my love for as long as we're together your birthday will never not go uncelebrated. Between me, the 126, your girls that's all that you need in my eyes and i'm hoping that you see that too." Letting his hand's comfort her she replies, "They've been like a family to me for years so there is no other group of people that I would want to spend that day with other than them and I'm more than grateful for what you're doing for me so thank you."

Going from his sitting position on the couch to laying on the side of her with his head on her stomach. When she placed her book on the end table behind her she laid her hand on the side of his face caressing his cheek when he told her, "I don't know if I ever told you this but you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on. When we met that day in the coffee shop I just knew that one day I would have the honor to call you my wife." Looking down at him when he said that she was confused. "You're wife?" Looking up at her bringing his hand up to trace shapes onto her stomach.

"Well uh, it wasn't supposed to come out like that but yeah, I want you to be my wife. I know we haven't been together for the longest but these past eight months have been the best of my life. If I had the chance I would've skipped all the steps and gave you a ring right away. Matter of fact-"

Getting up from his position on the couch he goes to the bedside dresser pulling out a black velvet box. Walking back over to where she sat. Getting down on one knee making her sit up on the couch.

"Tommy you made me want to change the man I was the day we met and I mean every detail. But, one thing you could have never done was make me not want to be with you. Seeing your smile for just a split second made me never want to go a minute without seeing it again. So, when you're upset with me it kills me knowing that I made your smile disappear for even a second. Tomorrow isn't promised for either of us so if I had to go tomorrow I wouldn't want the greatest mistake I've made in my life to be not marrying you. But, this marriage is bigger than the two of us you bring two little girls. I can never live up to their father's name but if I had an opportunity to be a father figure to them for as long as I could I would do it a million times over. I'm kind of rambling so this leaves me with the golden question. Will you marry me?"

Staring at him, the ring, then back at him she was stuck. "Baby, I know this is sudden. I was supposed to wait until dinner but I couldn't. If you're not ready for this I totally understand. I will wait for you. I w-" His words came to a halt when her lips collided with his. When their kiss subsided she held his face in her hands. "Yes Derek." She says while wiping the tears from his eyes.

Looking deep into her eyes trying to find the truth in them. When he seen that she was serious he repeated her words. "Yes?" "Yes, baby, yes."

Putting the ring on her finger, he let her take a look at it before he stood up and picked her up from her position on the couch. Hugging her tightly before she pulled away placing a deep kiss on his lips.

"I love you so much

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"I love you so much." He confessed. "I know and I love you even more." "That's impossible." He chuckled.


It was now about 7:30 and the girls were packed up and ready for school. They were sitting at the table with Derek while Tommy was in the kitchen. They were having their early morning banter when Izzy whispered, "Are you still doing it today?" "Well, I already did it." Derek whispered back. When Tommy heard gasps coming from the dining room she walked into the area. "What's going on in here?"

"You guys are getting married?" Walking over to Derek resting her hands on his shoulders. "How did you know this?" "Derek told us a few weeks ago. He asked if we were ok with it." Evie said in remark to her mom's question. "You did, did you?" She says looking down at her fiancée. "I did."

5:23 pm

The girls got picked up from school by Mrs. Beasley and Derek and Tommy were about to start getting ready for this dinner they were about to head to. Derek told her not to dress too fancy but not too casual. So she chose this asymmetrical blouse with black flared dress pants. With her engagement ring placed upon her ring finger.

*See media for reference*

He chose a white button up with black dress pants and brown dress shoes. When they were ready they had about 45 minutes to get the restaurant to make their reservation.

Once they got into Derek's SUV they were on their way to the restaurant. Even though Tommy had no clue what was as waiting on her.


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