Communication Is Key

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December 8th 2024
Vega Residence

Waking up after a few restless hours she gets up and decides to get ready for work. After her shower, she decides to to a simple fishtail braid.

Once she was finished she grabbed her duffel bag and purse and was headed for the door until Derek stopped her.

"Tommy." He says from the kitchen. Turning back around she walks to the kitchen. "Yes Derek." She says stepping from around the corner. "I just wanted to tell you that I was sorry for what I said this morning. I should trust you to be the person you were before we met. And I shouldn't have ever accused you on cheating on me it was wrong."

"I appreciate that, but I have to go before i'm late to work." "Yeah. But can I take you to dinner when you get off of work tomorrow?" "I'll let you know." Walking away from him and out the door she gets in her car and leaves.
The Fire House
06:00 am

As she walked into the firehouse she was met with Owen on the way up to the locker room. "Good morning Tommy." He says with a smile. When she walked past him with a small nod he was confused so he decided to follow her.

When he got to the locker room she was sitting on the bench lacing up her boot. "Tommy are you ok?" Owen asked leaning on the door frame. "I'm fine." She says not looking at him. "No you're not. So after shift you and I are going to get a drink so you can talk about it and I'm not taking no for an answer." Before she got to decline his offer he walked away.
A little over 24 hours later

With the day she has had, she didn't feel like going out. But, she felt it would be rude to stand Owen up knowing what he was just going through just 24 hours ago, so she went.
The Bar
6:43 pm

While she was driving to the bar she had got a text from Derek asking if she had made up her mind about his dinner plans he had made. When she said she decided to just go out for a drink with the 126 it seemed that he had been upset. So, after seeing the many text he sent her she put her phone on silent and walked into the bar.

Finding Owen at a booth in the corner of the bar. Acknowledging that she sees him she goes to the bar and orders herself a drink. Once she had got her drink she headed Owen's way.

When she sat down Owen got straight to the point. "Tommy what's up with you?" Taking a sip of her drink she replied, "Just some things going on at home." "Does it involve me because when you walked into work yesterday it was like you couldn't talk to me even though we had just spent like 2 hours together last night."

"Well if you want to know so bad i'll tell you. So before I left yesterday morning I told Derek I was going to help a friend. But, when I got back he smelled your cologne on me and assumed that I had cheated on him with you because he thought since we were together for over a year the only way I can help you was to have sex with you. So yeah." Watching him stare at her in shock she took a gulp of her drink.

"Tommy those weren't my intentions at all." He spat out. "I know that but sometimes trust issues and insecurities mess up relationships but I think this is something we can move past from but the trust has to be there on both parts."

"Enough about me. So, have you put in some thought about what we talked about yesterday?" "I have. I think going back to therapy and anger management would me good for my team, my son, but most importantly myself and I have you to thank for getting that through to me. So, thank you."

Reaching across the table taking his hand in hers she replied, "I'm glad I got through to you and I know that it will help you be the captain you want for your team." While they were staring into each other's eyes they hear a voice that made them separate quickly.

"Really Tommy?" The man said. When she heard his voice she turned in his direction. "You said that I could trust you." "What are you talking about Derek?" "You said that I had nothing to worry about that I could trust you to hang around him without any of your feelings resurfacing." He says getting upset.

"If I may whatever you think is going on between us I guarantee it isn't happening. I asked her for help and that's exactly what she did.And i'm sorry for overstepping in anyway and if you want me to step back I will."

"Now Derek I told you earlier that I came out tonight to have a drink with the 126  that's all i'm trying and going to do. So if you don't mind i'd really like to finish my drink so I can get home if that's fine with you."

Putting his hands up in defeat he walks out of the bar. "Tommy you don't think that was a little harsh?" Owen says. "He's been riding me about trust for weeks now because he doesn't think I can have a strictly platonic relationship with you or with anyone for the matter."

"But did he say that though?" "Actions speak way louder than words."

2 hours later
Vega Residence

Walking into her home she sees that the light is still on in the kitchen. Continuing her journey in said direction she sees Derek sitting at the kitchen counter with his phone in his hand. "Hey." She says walking to the refrigerator. "Hey." "Look, I just wanted to let you know that I came off a little harsh at the bar earlier and I wanted to apologize." "What did Owen tell you to tell me that?" He says. "Look Derek, i'm trying to apologize to make things with us just a little bit better but here you go once again trying to pick a fight." She says getting louder. "Look I'm sorry it's just hard to love and fully trust someone who isn't really present in our relationship and keeps going back to her cheating ex." "Derek, I'm not going back to Owen, I love you. If it doesn't feel like I'm "present" in our relationship then I'm sorry and I'll try to do just that. But, you have to have some type of trust that I'll do the right thing for us, for our relationship."

When she was done saying what she had to say she walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Thinking back on what she had said he decided to follow her. When he made it into her room he seen her standing in the middle of the room unbuttoning her shirt facing away from the door.

Walking behind her placing his hands on her waist he says, "Tommy you're right we both need to do our parts to keep this relationship strong. I need to trust that you and Captain Strand can be friends without any additional feelings." He says kissing on her neck. "So do you trust me?" She says still in his arms. "Yes I do and it was something I should've did in the first place."

Turning around in his arms she looks him in his eyes. "I'm sorry about the dinner. maybe we can have it tomorrow?" "I think we can work something out."

Once he finishes his sentence he kisses her with all the love for her that he had to bottle up. Picking her up not breaking the kiss and placing her on the bed. They continued kissing taking off pieces of each other's clothing until she broke the kiss. "Derek I love you but I need to go shower."

"Fine? I'll go with you. I'll help you wash your hair." "You don't have to do that." "But, I want too."

Getting up from their position on the bed they go into the bathroom to take their shower.

Tonight showed the couple that communication is important. If they had just talked about how they were feeling earlier they would've never had to fight to get their love to where it once was.

So remember, Communication Is Key.


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