I'm Okay

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Captain Strand had called the shift before everyone had left the hospital. So, B shift came to the hospital grabbed the truck and ambulance and left.

Tarlos Loft
1:33 am

T.K was sitting up on the couch when Carlos walked through the doors of their home. He put all of his stuff by the door and walked over to the place where T.K sat. "Hey T.K, I heard what happened and I tried to come to the hospital but I got stuck on a call. So how is she?"

It took T.K a second to reply but when he opened his mouth a long sigh came out. "Well, the doctor said the surgery had went well but they had to put her in a medically induced coma because of how much blood she had lost."

"I'm so sorry T.K but did they say how long she'll been in the coma?" "They said no longer than two weeks. But cap is going to be out for about two months that's 32 shifts before we can even think about being "T.N.T" again."

"T.N.T?" Carlos asked. "That's what they call us at work and it just kind of stuck but anyway this whole thing just sucks. You see how I feel about this so just imagine how Nancy, Izzy, Evie, Derek, and even my dad feel about Captain Vega being hurt doing the job that she loves."

"If you know Tommy like I know her when she wakes up she'll be back to work in no longer than a month."

2 weeks later
January 8th, 2025

Winter break was over so the girls had to be be back in school just two days before. But, while they were in school Derek sat at Tommy 's bedside like he'd been doing everyday since the incident.

He had been telling her stories about the girls, work, and every little thing that happened in between. Not knowing if she could hear him or not.

He cried after laughing and laughed to keep from crying. The 126 came every time they were off shift but obviously didn't stay as long as Derek had stayed. Then when the girls had to go back to school and Derek had to leave to pick them up Grace and Owen took over to look out for her.

This past week she had been slightly moving and making small noises. It seemed that the doctor's estimate was just about right.

2 weeks ago
The night of the accident.

Derek, Nancy, and Owen sat in silence. They all seemed to be in their own heads, sitting in different parts of the waiting room.

They all had sat in their perspective areas, well until Derek went over to Nancy and asked her how she was.

" I'm good right now but when it first happened I for sure thought I was going to lose my captain. She's the only mother figure I have here in Austin and if I, we, would've lost her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for not doing everything in my power to save her."

Nodding his head with sympathy he then asked, "Where's Mateo? You didn't want him to stay with you?" "No, I just told him to go home and get some sleep and I would stay here. But, that's enough about me are you okay?"

"If i'm being completely honest. No, i'm not okay. When Captain Strand had called I would've never had thought a day in my life that Tommy would've been the one hurt. I know how dangerous the job is and the things you guys face daily, so hats off to you guys truly. But when she wakes up she'll just say it was just a mishap that happens to people everyday and that she loves saving people but, it scares me."

"I know, the job that we do weekly many couldn't fathom to do it for even an hour, but the adrenaline you get when getting to save someone or the relief you feel when you feel a patient's pulse when it wasn't there just a minute ago. It's a job that we love doing and our loved ones don't always get it or are still on the verge of coming around on the job but its all in a days work."

After they had finished their conversation both Derek and Nancy walked over to Owen asked him how he was doing a when it was over they just sat there until the sun shined through the plate glass windows.

January 8th,2025
2 weeks later

Derek had been at the hospital since the girls had got on the school bus this morning. Every night that he had to go home he couldn't sleep in their room. It was either a pillow and blanket to the the couch or a night in one of their guest rooms. The only time he stepped foot in the room that they shared was when he had to grab a suit to wear to work even though he only stayed for no longer than two hours.

Right now he was sleep on one of the chairs that sat next to Tommy's bed. Even though he was sleep he still held her hand even though he never got a response.

2 hours later

Derek had woken up when he heard the door open and in walked Grace and Judd.

Adjusting to the fluorescent hospital lights he greeted them.

"How's our girl?" Judd asked once he sat down.

"Slight movements here and there. The doctor had said she should be up in a couple of days.

3 hours later

The group had about three hours until visting were over. While they've been at the hospital they ate and talked.

But, when Derek and Judd were in the midst of a conversation Grace interrupted. "Guys did you see that?" "See what?"Judd said as he turned to face Grace. "Tommy. Her eyes opened but their closed now." While she spoke Judd and Derek turned to face Tommy. "Are you sure it wasn't just a muscle spasm?" Derek asked.

"I'm positive." Before she could say anything else Tommy's eyes opened. They weren't fully open but more like a squint because she just getting used to the light. When the group had seen this everyone had said her name.

When she had the opportunity to fully open her eyes to see who and what was fully around her, she just started to cry. All the emotions she had been feeling that she couldn't express were bubbling to the surface and she couldn't stop them.

Everyone got up from their seated positions and went in for a group hug.

Once the hug broke Judd had texted the 126 group chat and told them they had to get to the hospital quickly. He ignored all of their questions so that they would get there faster.

30 minutes after the wake up

Before anybody had got there the Doctor came in checked her vitals and told them that she would be released in 2 days just so that they could keep a close eye on her.

The members of the 126 to arrive were in order of: Nancy and Mateo, T.K and Carlos, Paul, Marjan, and lastly Owen.

The only reason Owen waited so long to come was because he was thinking the worst. Thinking; did something go wrong, is she not going to wake up. So, he put all of those bad thoughts behind him and walked into the hospital.

When he got into her room he seen the 126 crowding her bed. But, when he opened the door fully they had made room for him and he seen that she was okay and doing well. It felt like a big weight just lifted off of his shoulders.


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