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4:38 a.m

They were only three and a half hours into their eleven-hour flight and usually, they'd be asleep by now. But the excitement of their marriage was keeping them awake.

The flight attendant told them there was a bed in the back of the plane that they could sleep in because of their long flight. Also, no one had ever slept in there but they did change the sheets and comforter after every trip.

They stayed on the couch until they had to get some actual rest.

Tommy had moved to lay her head in Derek's lap as they exchanged a few words.

"I've learned a lot unwilling about Alexander Hamilton because of TK and partially Marjan. So, we have to see his childhood home while we're there." She said looking up at him.

Derek pulls out his phone, checking how far it was from their beach house.

"Charlestown is an eight-minute drive from where were staying. So we can go. Is the third day good for you?"

Tommy nods her head.

Five minutes later

Derek felt Tommy was on the verge of going to sleep as he ran his fingers through her now straight hair. So he instead guided her into the "bedroom" got her out of her jacket and let her put on one of his t-shirts from his backpack.

They laid like they usually did with Tommy's head on his chest and him holding her. Though this time he was still running his fingers through her hair.

They were still having a light conversation until Tommy stopped all of a sudden and he assumed she was asleep. Until he got his answer when she snuggled into him more.

12:05 p.m

When they stepped off the plane. The warmth on their skin was amazing. But the air that they were breathing felt different. It felt as if the air was smooth.

They had a driver waiting for them a hundred feet away from where the plane stood at a standstill.

"So? What were you planning on doing today?" Tommy asked as she slipped her hand into his. He smiled over at her. "I booked a couples massage for 5, then dinner at 8. Then maybe the beach? If you're up to it." He spoke.

"You could've planned for us to stay in for the week and I would be okay with it." She smiled.


As they drove to their beach house, Tommy pointed things out to Derek but he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

He felt like he was dreaming.

He looked at the ring that was placed on her finger. Then down to his.

It was real. All of it was.

12:45 p.m

When they arrived at their temporary home at Paradise Beach Nevis, they settled in fairly quickly.

They checked out all the amenities the house had in store for them. Most importantly the pool and getting to walk down a few stairs and being able to feel sand between your toes.

They could tell this island had a lot in store for them and they wanted to see it all.

But before then they needed a shower and some rest because the jet lag hit them like a bus.

3:55 p.m

Tommy was just now waking up with an hour to spare before their scheduled massage.

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