Apart Of Me

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Tommy's Story
October 24th, 2023
The Morning After

She couldn't go back home, back in their bed; the place where he defiled everything they built together.

She was going to have to go home sometime before her kids got there. But for tonight, she'll stay in a hotel.

She wanted to let him think about what he did. But it feels like she was thinking about it more than he was.

She was a forgiving person. She could forgive the worst of the worst. But this wasn't something she could quickly forgive.

Taking a woman who just so, happens to be his ex-girlfriend, into their home and taking her to their bed.

Treating Catherine how he treats her. Doing the things that Tommy taught him to her. Betraying her after all she did was love him.

There was a point in their relationship where no one could tell them anything.

They were the best for each other and nothing could get in between them.

Except them. Except him in that moment.

Now because of him, she lay in a bed that wasn't hers. Thinking about a man who didn't think about her.

The next morning

She was dreading walking into this shell of a home. Nothing about her home felt like a home.

It was just the place where her boyfriend cheated on her.

When she opened the door she tried not to make a lot of noise because she had a hunch Owen was here.

It was just her luck that when she opened the door, he was standing on the other side of it.

He had his keys in his hand. But he looked shocked to see her.

"Tommy." He muttered. She walked around him because if she looked at him any longer she'd cry again.

She cried all night and she was sure her face showed it all.

"Tommy please." He said. She could feel the tears sting in her eyes.

"I'm done." That was all she said. She wanted to go to her room but how could she? All of the memories of the night before will come flooding back and she wanted to forget them.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. Tommy shook her head at his words.

"Tommy, talk to me. Please." He pleaded. "Owen, I'm done."

"What?" He asked. "I can't do this anymore." She clarified.

"Can't do what?" But it was obvious he didn't get what she was saying.

"Us. I can't do us anymore. I'm done." She cleared up.

"Tommy you can't do this to us." He says.

"No, you did it to us. You tore us apart and I'm done." She said. "I don't care what you do but I know I deserve better."

"Tommy I sold my place to build a home with you." He said. "Is that my fault? I didn't come to you and say I wanted to move in with you. You came up with that all on your own."

"Tommy." He pleaded. "Stay here or keep this hell hole. I don't care." She said throwing her hands up and walking away.

"I'm going to give you some space. Maybe we can talk later." He called out and that's when she reappeared.

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