Someone New

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Strand Residence
Thursday, January 16th, 2025

Owen stood in front a mirror that hung up on his wall looking over his outfit. He had finally got the courage to ask Amira out. He was taking her to a restaurant called Garrison and was on the way to pick her up in the next 10 minutes.

He couldn't lie he was extremely nervous. It's been over a year since he's even been on a date that even meant something. But, as of right now he knew it was time to get back into the dating scene because he doesn't have anymore hope for he and Tommy anymore.

You might think he is just getting a woman who is exactly like Tommy. Went to the same college, is a paramedic captain, is a black woman, etc. But, Amira is much more than just a Tommy 2.0.

The Ride to her home

He had called her before he left his home saying that he was on the way. He lived six minutes away from the restaurant but she lived about twenty five minutes away. So, if they ended up drinking a little more he wouldn't want her driving.

But, a few days ago he had went over to Tommy's house to see how she was doing and they ended up talking for like three hours about everything that had been going on in their lives. During that conversation Owen had told Tommy that he was dialing it back on drinking even though he loved his tequila it just wasn't good for him

So, during this date he might have a small drink but nothing too serious that would make him unable to drive.

Amira's Home

Walking to her door he rang the doorbell, waiting a beat before she opened the door. When the door swung open and seen the beautiful woman who stood on the other side.

"Sorry i'm late there was a lot of traffic."  He says looking down at her outfit. "It's fine I didn't mind." She smiled. "Shall we?"

"Give me one second." She says as she quickly grabs her purse and keys then locks her front door. "So, what time is our reservation." Amira says as they walk to his truck. "It's for 8:15, so we should have plenty of time to get there."

Once they reached Owen's truck he opened the door for her then walked to the drivers side.

On the ride to the restaurant Amira decided that they should play a game. They would both ask each other questions and they had to answer truthfully.

Her first question was how many girlfriends has he had in say two years. Which he replied two.

His first question was have you ever broken a mans heart? And she replied no.

She asked him the same question but with women replacing man. He was skeptical to answer rethinking on all of the women that he had hurt and wether he had thought it had been done purposely.

Before he answered the pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant bit they still had 30 minutes until they were needed so they sat in the car and she waited for his answer. In which he replied, "I don't want to start what this on a lie so, I have hurt a few women in my past wether it was particularly my fault or not."

"There's something else on your mind. Is it about one of the women you said you dated in the past two years, because you did say a few weeks ago that you haven't been dating in a while, so who was it?"

"Do you really want to start this date taking about my exes?" "Owen, this date doesn't start until I'm sitting across from you at the table in there. So, just imagine us how we were when we were getting coffee every morning."

"Fine. I'm pretty sure you met her. Tommy." He says. "Tommy? Tommy Vega? The paramedic captain?" She says now looking at him fully invested. "Yes, that Tommy. When we started dating we both had lost people dear to our hearts just a year or two prior, so it felt like God brought us together to heal those wounds of the loves we lost before. Everything was going great, we bought a house together-" Before he finished his story Amira cut him off.

"So you guys were really invested in this relationship?" "We were, I was even getting ready to propose but before I had the chance, well, I had plenty of chances, but, then I screwed up. And that's were I want to leave this conversation at."

"But, you guys are still good friends so it couldn't have been that bad." "No it was that bad it's just that Tommy has such a good heart she couldn't hold a grudge if she wanted too. Enough of this I brought you out tonight to get to know you better and possibly form a relationship with you and me talking about my e- Tommy isn't going to do that."

"I was just trying to get some insight on the man I want to be with." She says nonchalantly which made Owen pause. "If that's true I would like to take things slow. Go on a few more dates before I officially ask the question because I learned first hand what it's like when a relationship moves too fast." "Are you talking about Tommy or the other mystery lady." Looking at her he just got out of the truck and walked to her side.

Opening the door for her and offering her a hand which she took. "You didn't answer my question." She says as they walk to the restaurant. "Amira you know I'm not answering that question.

When they were almost at the door she surprised Owen when she interlocked her fingers with his.

After their date

Their date had went very well after not talking about his past relationships. But this relationship might go far and he seen that with just their coffee "dates" they had just a week prior.

Maybe he's finally found someone new.


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