Chapter Twenty Three

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Even if they got you back, that doesn't mean that you would stay.


Besides some internal bleeding, your surgery didn't take too long. The boys did have to lie that you were in a car accident, that's the story they sold to your family too, as well as Jisung.

"You said you would take care of gomo! I trusted you! All of you!" Jisung said angrily, knocking his small, clenched fist against Namjoon's thigh.

"Jisung! I'm so sorry." Your brother bowed, pulling his distressed son away. Your sister in law held Yuri, swaying and patting her butt to keep her asleep while she and your brother spoke to your doctor. Tears continued to stream down Jisung's cheeks as he glared at the 7 the whole time.

"You sure you're okay going without me?" You asked Jisung.

"Yes, yes. Don't worry, gomo. I'll keep them out of trouble." Jisung smiled sweetly, giving you a peck on the cheek.

"It's just ice cream, (y/n). Besides, don't you have work to do?" Taehyung waved you off. You had promised your mother to hop onto a video conference with her, after she couldn't stop mentioning it to you.

"Hmm... Alright, but you harm one hair on his head-"

"You'll make sure we die a slow, painful death. Yeah, we know." Jimin cut you off. You shot him a suspicious look.

"Fine. Have fun. But don't go overboard, alright?" You smiled softly, ruffling Jisung's head. He nodded excitedly. Just as you straightened up, you saw Yoongi coming down, adjusting his watch on his wrist and grabbing his car keys. You blinked as one by one, the other boys came down too. Was the WHOLE group going for ice cream?

"You're going too?" You asked Yoongi.

"I'm still human, (y/n). I enjoy ice cream too." He replied.

"Why are all of you going? Without me?" You placed your hands on your hips. This was getting too suspicious.

"We all like ice cream. Besides, you would be coming along too if you didn't have work to do." Jin scoffed. Your jaw dropped slightly as you watched them put their shoes on and leave you.

"So, why did you all suddenly decide to take me out for ice cream without gomo?" Jisung asked as Hoseok drove.

"Can't we just buy you ice cream with there being any catch? We're nice people." Jungkook raised an eyebrow. Jisung scoffed.

"Yeah, right. I'm not buying it. There's definitely a catch." He crossed his arms. The 7 grown men in the car knew that the toddler was smart for his age but they were not expecting this. When the van pulled up, Taehyung unbuckled Jisung from his car seat.

"Let's go." Namjoon held his hand as they entered.

"You can have anything you want." Jungkook lifted the toddler up to see all the different flavours.

"Now that's a lie. Because technically, I am only allowed two scoops, which is unfavourable but my limit. So I can't really have anything I want." Jisung turned to the male.

"He makes a good point." Yoongi nodded in agreement with the 4 year old. After Jisung picked his two flavours, strawberry and cookies n' cream with cookie crumble topping, the boys also ordered their ice cream.

"We can sit here." They moved to sit at a big booth that just managed to hold all of them, by the window.

"So, tell me. What's the reason behind this sudden treat?" Jisung asked, eyes trained on the glass with the delectable sweet treat in it. With the long spoon, he scraped a little off the top, putting it into his mouth as he waited for the men to answer him. The boys all sat up straight, casting each other looks. Why were they suddenly so nervous?

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