Chapter Five

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The boys decided to try and do something 'normal' to take your mind off whatever happened. All they can hope is to silently convince you to stay with them and not leave.


After that whole fiasco, you were sent to your room to rest. Instead of sleeping, you laid sprawled out on the ground, turning ever so often to watch Kookie hop around, wiggling his nose at you.

"Kookie." You called. The rabbit's ears twitched slightly, maybe a signal that it was listening to you, even if it wasn't facing you.

"What's going to happen to you if I leave?" You groaned. If you left the family, you could only laugh at what kind of 'bunny-sitting' arrangement you would have with Jungkook. Maybe you have him on weekdays while Jungkook has him on weekends or the opposite.


"Hey, Hoseok." You lifted a hand.

"Are you... okay?" Hoseok tilted his head as he bent down slightly. You gave him a thumbs up, making him chuckle.

"I'm going out to run some errands with the maknaes. Would you like to come along? Just to get some fresh air or something." Hoseok invited with a hum. You thought about it.

"Give me 10 minutes." You said.

"Take as long as you need. We'll be at the foyer." Hoseok laughed and closed the door. You pushed yourself to stand up. The first thing you did was put Kookie in his cage and make sure he had everything he needed while you were away. After that, you went to wash your face and change into some outing clothes, a sweater with a skater skirt and white Doc Martens.

"I always feel underdressed when you guys dress all fancy." You sighed as you came down.

"You're fine." Jungkook patted your shoulder. Jimin nodded in agreement, reaching out to pat your head. The 5 of you headed out. They all decided to drive their own cars this time.

"Wanna ride with me?" Jimin asked as he put his sunglasses on. (Imagine 2019 Grammys Jimin)

"If you treasure your life, don't." Taehyung said from behind you. Jimin glared at his best friend, kicking his shin.

"Kookie would want you to sit with me." Jungkook nudged your side. Now you were the one glaring at him, knowing that he was only using Kookie to try and trick you into riding in his car. Hoseok scoffed with a roll of his eyes. You decided to sit in Taehyung's car.

"Uhh..." He blinked in shock.

"Tough luck, fellas." Taehyung shrugged as he jogged over to the driver's side, slipping in. You were already belted in, typing away on your phone. Taehyung clicked his tongue, putting his seatbelt on.


"As I'll ever be." You replied. Taehyung raised his eyebrows, starting the engine. It roared to life.

"What errands we running?" You asked.

"We've got some stuff to pick up at the mall. Yoongi hyung wanted us to grab some groceries for a barbecue dinner." He informed, not taking his eyes off the road. You nodded with a soft hum. Another revving engine made you turn your head out the window. Jimin was on your left and Jungkook was on your right, both purposefully revving their engines as a challenge.

"Hang on." Taehyung mumbled. Your hands could only grip your seatbelt as Jimin gave Taehyung a teasing wave, his car inching forward. Jungkook straight up gave the finger.

"It's a race they want." Taehyung gripped the steering wheel. The car lurched forward, revving loudly.

"This is how dumb people die." You scowled.

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