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"we don't need to talk about it. you want to talk about it." i spoke angrily.

"aaliyah she's not healthy for you." calum stressed.

"who are you to decide that? she was the only one who was there for me when you fucking left! you don't get to decide that!" i yelled.

"aaliyah! enough about that! what the hell! it was for my career my fucking future." calum spit out as he shoved my phone back.

"whatever dude. fuck off." i muttered as i pointed to the door.

"you don't get to tell me what to- "okay then! have a great fucking night!" i spoke angrily as i stormed out of the room.

calum was two steps behind me.

"aaliyah! you know damn well you are way too skinny and need help!" he yelled as he blocked the door.

"once again! calum you fucking left. you don't have the right to comment on anything about me." i yelled as i shoved him out of the way and out of the house.

"stop walking away from me! please." calum shouted as he stood at the entrance of the house.

"i'm fine. i rather continue walking away because you obviously don't respect me." i muttered as i walked away.

i saw calum walk to go follow me, but a pair of hands pulled him back.

i walked off down the driveway and to a local park.

i sat on the swing set and felt tears slowly start to drop down my face.

why was he like this.

i shakily put my phone to my ear and called mom.

"hey baby? are you okay?" mom asked.

"n-no." i sobbed.

"oh baby what's wrong? talk to me." mom spoke gently.

"he's so mean. he doesn't respect my boundaries at all. why did you send me here." i stuttered with tears dripping down my face.

"i-i thought he would help. we couldn't help liyah. i trust calum, he's your brother." mom spoke slowly.

"he doesn't respect me mom." i sobbed.

"baby please don't cry. he doesn't mean to be mean. he just cares and you know that deep down inside." mom whispered.

"please stop taking his side. he's in the wrong and all i hear is you defending him." i mumbled.

"aaliyah i'm not. i'm not defending him. i'm sure he was way too intense. i just don't want you to hate him." mom spoke firmly.

"too late for that. bye mom. i'll talk to you later." i laughed as i hung up the phone.

i shut my phone off and stood up. i wasn't going home tonight. i just needed to get out.

i walked around the park for a bit before sitting down underneath a tree.

i must've drifted off because it was dark by the time i woke up.

i slowly pulled out my phone and turned it back on to see over 50 miss calls and texts from all of the boys.

i didn't want to listen to calum's apology. not yet.

i pulled my ear buds from my pocket and began listening to music.

i might as well pass time.

i stood up and began to walk in hopes to find something open.

i came across a cute little 24 hour coffee shop and popped in.

it was currently 12 am and i was freezing.

i walked up to the counter and order a black coffee because i didn't need anymore calories and sat in a booth in the far back of the shop.

the waiter brought me my coffee before walking back to his chair and watching videos.

i sat there and drank my coffee as i watched the hours pass by.

this wasn't so bad.

calum's pov

still no response.

it was making me physically sick. i was physically sick from worry. she isn't answering and i feel like if she gets hurt it's all my fault.

i went to go punch a wall when michael grabbed me and sat me down.

"injuring yourself won't fix shit mate." he sighed as he sat down beside me.

"i-i'm just scared. she's my baby sister. i would die if she got hurt, kidnapped, or killed." i muttered into my hands.

"i know, it's not your fault. it was a heated argument. staying up all night won't do anything. luke and ash are already sleeping. we'll all get up early tomorrow and go looking. if we don't find her by lunchtime we'll call the police." michael whispered as he patted my shoulder.

i nodded as i shakily stood up.

please god protect her.

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