Chapter 21

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  After  checking in she went back to the dressing room and finished getting ready. The ran through warm ups and the girls ran through their dances for a little bit before the coach suggested they stopped for a little bit so they don't over work themselves before they even stepped foot on the stage.

  "Jessica I am hungry. Do you have anything to eat?" Isabell asked.

  "Yeah I think I have some snacks in my bag. I usually have some chips in there for after dance. Do not get into the candy we don't want to recreate yeatserday." Jessica told her. Isabell grabbed her bag and pulled out a bag of chips from it.

  "Isabell I have to go out to the stage for my show you stay with Alice. If you want to watch have Alice and another dancer take you up there please." Jessica said.

  "Of course I want to watch you dance." Isabell said. Alice frabbed her hand and followed Jessica out of the dressing room.

  "Hey I know today is going to be hard so I am going to get one of the other girls to watch Isabell when you come off and I will be backstage waiting for when you come off stage." Alice said as she gave Jessica a hug and went to the front to sit. Jessica waited beside the stage while other girls danced when Louise came up to her.

  "Hey I know that I have been mean to you up until now but I wanted to apologize to you. I heard the real story about why you left last year and I am sorry. I never ment any thing I said." Louise told her.

  "Look Louise I realize that you are trying to be nice but I don't want the pitty. To be honest you acting like you were didn't bug me. It was better than all the pitty I have been given since they died. My mom is the reason I am here. I made a promise to her to come back and here I am." Jessica said as they called her name.

  "Well good luck out there." Louise told her.

  "Thank you. Hey I recommend not being back here when Alice gets back here she doesn't exactly like you at the moment." Jessica said as she began walking out.

   When her music started she began dancing. By the end of the song Jessica was fighting back tears. As soon as the dance was finished she ran off stage. She ran right into Alice and she wrapped her arms around her. Alice stood there holding onto Jessica for a while. Jessica could not stop crying for a while.

  "What are you doing here? You think you can pick on her when she is down. I don't think so leave." Alice said making Jessica look up to see Louise standing there.

  "I'm sorry. I just saw her run off stage crying and I wanted to make sure she was okay. Look I never ment to be that mean to her okay. I was told of what really happened last year when she left and I fell horrible about how I treated her." Louose said.

  "No you don't get to act like that then start acting all friendly just because you messed up your dance. Yeah that's right I saw you slip in your dance and so did everyone else." Alice said. Jessica could feel the anger build inside of her.

   Just stop fighting alright. This whole competition it has been fighting between the two of you and I have had enough of it." Jessica said as she pulled away from Alice and walked away. Jessica could hear Alice calling behind her but she was done. She walked into the dressing room and grabbed her bag.

  "Hey I am heading out because I need some fresh air after that dance. Please have someone call me when we need to be on stage to find out who is moving on." Jessica said as she walked outside.

  She walked over to the park that was close and she sat down on the of the benches. She sat there watching the parents playing with the kids and started crying again. She remembered how her mom would always take her to the park when she was little. She thought about the one time she had been climbing up on the jungle gym and got to the highest part of it before getting scared. She had cried for her mom. Eventually she got the courage to jump off it but that led to her breaking her leg. Her mom stopped taking her there after that.

  "Hey are you alright?" Someone said snapping her out of her thoughts.

  "Uhh yeah I am fine." Jessica said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

  "Are you sure. You looked like you were crying." The lady said.

  "Yeah I had come out here to get some fresh air after I danced. I walked here to get away from the craziness and being here reminds me of how my mom used to bring me to the park all the time when I was little and I realized how much I miss my family." Jessica said trying to put a smile on her face but she found it really difficult.

  "Aww well just think after you finish the competition you can go back home to see them." The woman said as she took a seat on the bench beside Jessica.

  "Uh no I actually can't. You see they died last year in a horrible car accident. I am actually here because when I was with my mom I promised her I would win for her and that is what I am doing." Jessica said. She could feel the tears begin forming in her eyes again. She tried to blink them away but she felt one roll down her cheek.

  "Aww hunny I am so sorry." The lady said as her phone went off.

  "Thank you. I have to get back they are announcing who will be competing tomorrow and who wont." Jessica said as she stood up. The woman gave her a hug before Jessica walked back. She got led to the stage as soon as she got I there. Louise stood beside her and put her arm around her as they anxiously waited for the results.

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