Chapter 22

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  "The last two dancers moving om in the solo category are, Louise and Jessica." The announcer said. Jessica stood there in shock. She was moving on. She was going to be in the finals. She has the chance to make that promise she made her mother come true. Jessica felt a pair of arms wrap around her and she leaned into the hug.

  "We made it to the finals." Louise said as she continued to hug her.

  "Yeah we did. I can't believe we made it to the finals." Jessica said. The rest of her team came running onto the stage to give her a hug.

  "Oh my god Jessica. You are the only one from our team still here in the competition." Her coach said as she pulled Jessica into a hug.

  "Wow I can't believe this. I made it this far. I am going to dance in the finals tomorrow." Jessica said as she burst into tears.

  She felt her team pull her into a hug. Her legs gave out from under her and she collapsed to the ground crying. She started looking around for Alice but she couldn't find her in the crowd of people around her.

  "Alice." She said.

  "Some one go get Alice and Isabell." Jessica heard their coach say. Some of the girls ran off and came back with Alice and Isabell.

  "Jessica you did it. You are going to be in the finals tomorrow." Alice said as she gave her a big hug.

  "I-I can't believe it. I didn't think I would make it this far but I did." Jessica said still crying.

  "Yeah you did. Come on let's take this back to the hotel room. We are having a movie night in our room and anyone who wants to join is welcome to. We are celebrating Jessica moving onto the finals." Alice said as she picked Jessica up off the ground.

  "Can I join the movie night?" Isabell asked as she grabbed Jessica's hand.

  "We will have to ask your dad about that." Jessica said.

  "Okay. Come on we have to get back to your hotel." Isabell said as she started leading Jessica off the stage.

   Everyone followed behind them. Jessica had a huge smile on her face as she ran behind Isabell. She could not believe tomorrow marked a year since her family died and she is here doing this. She knew she had promised her mom she would do this but there were times throughout this year that Jessica doubted that she would even be able to dance again and yet here she is in the final of the world's biggest dance competition ever.

    "Jessica why don't you call her dad and ask him if she can join in on our movie night while I go with some of the girls to the store. I am leaving her with you so you are not alone." Alice said. Jessica nodded and pulled out her phone.

  "Hey Jessica how is everything doing. Is Isabell behaving for you?" Her dad asked when he picked up the phone.

  "Yeah she is behaving. Actually I wanted to ask you if you minded Isabell staying the night with us. We just found out I am moving onto the finals and Alice wants to have a movie night in our hotel room to celebrate. Isabell wants to join us on our movie night adventure." Jessica explained as she unlocked the door to her hotel room.

  "Yeah I am fine with that. I will have Austin bring by some clothes for her to sleep in as well as some clothes for in the morning. I will come get her before you leave for competition tomorrow." Her dad said.

  "Thank you so much." Jessica said before hanging up the phone. She fell backwards on her bed with a huge smile on her face.

  "What did he say. What did he say. Did he say yes?" Isabell asked as she jumped on the bed.

  "He said you can stay the night. He is going to have Austin bring you by some clothes in a little bit." Jessica said as she grabbed onto Isabell.

  "Oh no Uncle Austin will ruin the fun." Isabell said as she fell against the bed.

  "No we won't let him ruin the fun. Today is a great day and no one can ruin that." Jessica said.

  The two of them hung out in the hotel room until Alice and the rest of the girls came back into the room. They got all sort of snacks and drinks. They got everything arranged on the ground in front of the beds for the movie night. They had just started the first movie when there was a knock on the door. Jessica got off the bed to answer the door and found Austin standing there.

  "Hey I was told to bring you some clothes for Isabell because she is staying the night." Austin said holding up a bag.

  "Oh thank you." Jessica said as she grabbed the bag from him.

  "Hey congratulations on making it to the finals. I know you will do great tomorrow. I will be there in the crowd watching you tomorrow." He told her.

  "Thank you. Hey do you want to join in on our movie night? I know I got mad and was ignoring you yesterday but I think you should come hang out with us just incase Isabell needs someone there other than us." Jessica said. She couldn't help but notice the small smile on his face as he agreed. The two of them went into the room and sat on the pillow fort they had made.

  "Uncle Austin what are you doing here?" Isabell asked him.

  "Jessica asked me to join in on your celebration." Austin told her. Alice looked over at Jessica.

  "We were just starting the first movie but help yourself to any of the snacks and drinks." Alice said. Jessica yawned and laid back against the pillows and fell asleep. She wasn't asleep long before she had another nightmare. This time when she woke up in a panic she saw Austin and Isabell there beside her and calmed down enough to fall asleep again.

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