Chapter 6

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  The next morning Jessica woke up to her alarm going off so she shut it off and climbed out of bed. She saw that Alice was still asleep so she woke her up and began getting ready for the competition. She quickly got her hair and makeup done before changing into her sweats and trying to wake up Alice again because she fell back asleep the first time.

  "Alice you need to get up right now I am already ready for our performance and you are still asleep wake up." Jessica said as she began jumping on the bed and hitting her with a pillow.

  "Stop hitting me with the pillow. I am awake." Alice said. Jessica dropped the pillow and jumped off the bed. She sat on her bed and made sure she had everything that she was going to need and she headed out the door to get an early start.

  "Hey Jessica I see your getting am early start to your day as well. Do you want to grab some food before we have to head to the competition?" One of the girls asked her. Jessica agreed and they walked to a taco place that was close to where the competition was being held. As they were walking back Jessica saw that she had two missed calls from Alice and three new messages. Two were from Alice and one was from Austin.

  Alice: Why did you leave so early. I was going to get breakfast for the both of us after I got ready.

  Alice: Girl Austin showed up at our hotel looking for you. He said he had something for you but he wouldn't tell me what. He left a package on your bed and told me not to touch it.

  Austin: Hey I stopped by your hotel room to give you something but you were not at your room so I just left it on your bed. I won't make it to the competition today because I have to work but I do want to hear about it after the competition is over.

  Jessica answered them and put her phone back into her bag as they finished the walk to where they needed to be. They got signed in and went to the dressing room where more of their team was already there getting ready.

  "Okay I want you guys to go warm up your solos because the solo category is first then the duets and trios then is our big group. Good luck out there and have fun." The teacher said. Jessica changed into her costume and began to warm up until she was called out there to do her dance. After the music started she began dancing to the music with the steps that she knows by heart. When she finished she made her way backstage again when she was surrounded by people running to give her a hug.

  "Girl I didn't think that dance could possibly get any better but that was amazing. You are definitely moving on for sure." Alice said. They all sat around and talked until everyone had been out there and they were called out onto the stage to see who was moving on.

  "And first place for the solos and are moving onto the next stage is Jessica Barlow." The announcer called. The rest of Jessica's team who were out there on the stage ran up to her and gave her a hug before she went up to go grab the medal she won. She walked back to her team when she walked past Louise who grabbed onto her arm tightly.

  "Your only winning because the judges are taking pitty on you. You and I both know that you are not a good enough dancer to make it this far on your own. Your group had to pretty much carry you last year." Louise said as she tightened her grip on Jessica's arm. Jessica let out a small yelp which made everyone turn their attention to the two of them.

  "What is going on over there?" One of the judges said as they turned to see why Jessica yelled.

  "Oh nothing sir. I was just congratulation my old team mate on making it this far in the competition. Only a week and a half more and we will make it to the finals." Louise said as she released Jessica's hand. Jessica quickly ran off the stage to the dressing room whit her team following behind her.

  "Jessica what did she really do because I know she didn't just congratulate you. Jessica isn't like that." The teacher said.

  "She grabbed my arm very tightly i think it is goung to leave a bruise. I dont know why she did that." Jessica said as she rubbed her hand a little bit.

  "Okay Alice you go get some ice for her hand please. I am definitely going to report this to the judge she is trying to sabotage Jessica so she can win. We need to get her kicked out." The teacher said but Jessica stopped her.

  "No the only way to stop her is if I will beat her. I will just be careful and have to make some changed to the dance incase my hand is still hurting for the next competition. I will work on it later." Jessica said. The teacher looked hesitant but she decided to drop it. Alice came back with some ice and Jessica put it on her hand. She grabbed her bag and they made their way back to the hotel.

  "Hey you rest and don't do too much for the rest of the night." The teacher said when they got to their hotel room. Jessica agreed and went into her room and laid down on her bed exhausted from the competition. She picked up the box that was laying on the bed. Her phone went off and she found a message from Austin.

  Austin: How did the competition go?

  Jessica: It went great. I am moving onto the next part. I cant wait for the next competition i think i am going to make a few changes tomorrow when i go to the studio to see if i can intpove the dance some more.

  Austin: That is awesome. Well I am sure you are tired from dancing all day so I will let you get some rest and I will talk with you later.

  Jessica: I will talk with you later.

  Jessica put her phone down on the table beside the bed as well as the box. She opened the box and it had a little bear in it that said good luck as well as a card.

  I went to the store yesterday after I dropped Isabell off with her dad and saw this. I got it for you because I wanted to wish you good luck at your competition today because I won't be there to see you but I know you will dance just as great as you did when I came to see you.

Jessica smiled at her self as she pulled the bear put and laid down on the bed.  She grabbed the ice bag from where she had thrown it onto the bed and put it back onto her hand before she fell back against her pillow and went to sleep.

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