Chapter 12

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Jessica waited anxiously while the judges were announcing who was moving on and who was not. When they got to the so category she was holding hands with the rest of her team mates who were still in for the solos. When they called her name they all hugged her. After the rest of the names were announced they all walked off the stage and Alice gave Jessica a hug.

"Yay I knew that you would make it this far. I am so proud of you." Alice said as she put her arm around Jessica.

"I can't even believe that I made it this far." Jessica said. She got back into the dressing room and her teacher walked up to her.

"Jessica congratulations. How is your hand feeling?" Her teacher asked her.

"My hand feels a little bit sore but it's not too bad." Jessica said as she grabbed her stuff. They left the dressing room and Jessica was engulfed into a hug.

"Sorry I tried to hold her back but she bite me." Austin said. He rubbed the back of his hand and Jessica started laughing. Isabell must have really wanted to give Jessica a hug if she was willing to bite Austin so he would let her go. Jessica smiled at Isabell and hugged her back.

"That's fine I don't mind her hugs. She reminds me of my little brother." Jessica said. She picked Isabell up and spun her around.

"I didn't know you have a little brother. Is it just you two or do you have other siblings I don't know about." Austin asked. He grabbed Isabell from Jessica and put her on the ground. Jessica laughed while she watched Isabell stumble around because she was dizzy.

"Just the one little brother. He was my only sibling." Jessica said. She felt sadness wash over her.

"Oh. Well I am an only child so I don't know anything about siblings. Speaking about that. I am having dinner tonight with my parents and when I told them I had met some girls from the dance competition they told me to invite some of you because they love the dance competition and they wanted to meet you American girls last year because your dances were their favorite." Austin told them.

"I don't really know about that. I'm sorry but I am really tired." Jessica said. Alice wrapped her arm around her and pulled her into a side hug.

"Okay that is fine. I will just say that you girls were worn out from the Dance competition and didn't feel like coming." Austin said.

"That sounds good." Alice said.

"Well would you ladies like a ride back to your hotel room. I don't have to drop isabell off with her dad for another hour." Austin said. Alice and Jessica both agreed and they walked out to his car.

On the way to Austin's car they ran into Louise. She ran into Jessica hard and knocked her down. She smirked at Jessica and began to walk away but Alice grabbed her and shoved her down.

"Why don't you watch where you are going Louise." Alice said.

"Well why don't you tell your friend there that dancing for the judges pitty is just rude. Everyone knows she is still in the dance competition because everyone pittys her because of last year." Louise said.

"That is not true she is still in the competition because she is a talented dancer. No one knows about what happened last year so they are not taking pitty on her. Now why don't you just leave her alone. She has enough going on without you putting your two since into it." Alice yelled. Her yelling grabbed the attention of the other people around.

"Oh so no one knows that the reason she dropped out last year was because -" She was cut off by Alice punching her in the face. Jessica grabbed Alice and dragged her to the car.

"Why would you do that." Jessica asked her.

"I did that because she was going to tell everyone what happened and I know you don't like everyone knowing that." Alice said.

"You are going to get in trouble now." Jessica said.

  "Really what are they going to do? I am already no longer in the competition. The group dance got votes out last week and I didn't sign up for any pther dances." Alice said. Jessica just rolled her eyes and looked out the window. She ignored Alice the rest of the car ride until they got to the hotel. When they got inside Jessica grabbed her bag and left the hotel room. Alice knew better than to follow her because she knew it would only make her more mad.

  Alice went to the studio for a bit before she decided to text Austin and tell him that she changed her mind. She didn't want to be alone and she was still mad at Alice.

  Jessica: Hey I know I said that I didn't want to go tonight but I changed my mind. I can ask a few other girls to see if they want to come as well.

  Austin: Okay that's great. I will tell my parents that you are coming and you may be bringing some of your friends. Isabell is coming because her dad doesn't get off until later. So she will be happy that you are coming with us.

  Jessica put her phone away and packed her stuff up. She headed back to the hotel to shower and get changed before they headed out. On the way back she ran into some of the other teammates and told them that they were invited to dinner with a friend of hers. They agreed to go with her and she went to her room. Alice was not in the room so Jessica showered and got dressed before heading out the door. She met up with the other girls and they headed to the resturant that Austin told her to meet them at.

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