Chapter 9

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After she made it to the beach she walked around for a few minutes before she found the rest of her dance team and placed her stuff down when Alice ran up to her and wrapped her arms around Jessica.

"Alice you are about to squeeze the air out of me let go." Jessica said. Alice laughed and let go of her. Jessica turned around and saw that Austin was standing behind Alice.

"Hey it's good to see you finally decided to leave the studio and come join us at the beach." Alice said.

"Yeah coach told me to take a break for a while then we can go back later and work on it more because I have to have it ready for comp Monday." Jessica said.

"Come on even on our weekend that we have off you won't take time away from dancing." Alice said sarcastically.

"Well I don't really have the time to take off. I have to improve my dance for the competition. You know I promised my mother that I would make it all the way last year and I plan on doing that this year." Jessica said as she pulled her shirt off revealing her swim suit under it.

"Well now you are going to enjoy the weekend even if it is just for a few hours. Come on the guys were going to teach us how to surf." Alice said as she grabbed Jessica's arm and started pulling her to the water.

"Girl I don't really want to learn surfing right now I just wanted to come lay in the sun and tan for a little bit and maybe get in the water some." Jessica said.

"Oh come on. Austin is one of the guys who offered to show us how to surf. It will be fun." Alice said. Jessica finally gave in and went with her to hang out with them. She enjoyed being taught how to surf and hung out with Austin for three hours before she headed back to the hotel room.

"Okay now that it's getting later let's watch some movies. You can invite Austin over and I will invite Jake over." Alice said as she dried her hair.

"First of all I was going to head back to the studio for a little bit and second who is Jake. Why is this the first time I am hearing about him." Jessica said jumping onto the bed Alice qas sitting on.

"He is just a guy I met while we were at the beach. Also why don't you take a break from being in the studio. The whole time we have been here you have been dancing. If your not on stage at the competition you are dancing around back stage. When we have days off you are in the studio working. I know how much this means to you but please take one day off so that you don't over work yourself because that can end badly." Alice said.

"Alice I am starting from scratch with my dance so I have to work on it as much as I can." Jessica said. She changed into a pair of shorts and a crop top shirt before she sat down on her bed. She pulled a locket out of her bag and looked at it. She felt Alice put her arm around her as tears began to form in her eyes.

"Hey how about this tonight we will rest. We will have a movie night and first thing tomorrow morning we will get up and we will head to the studio and be there all day to get you ready for the competition on Monday. Since I was cut last week I don't have to work on my dance so I can help you the whole time." Alice said.

"I don't know. You already said that you want some time out of the studio because we have the weekend off I don't want to make you come to the studio with me when you have the day off." Jessica said.

"I don't mind it. It will allow me to make sure you are not over working yourself. I know you have a reason for pushing yourself as hard as you are but sometimes you just have to take a step back and breath." Alice said. Jessica agreed and pulled her phone out to text Austin while Alice texted Jake.

Jessica: Hey Alice and I are having a movie night in our hotel room and wanted to see if you wanted to join us.

Austin: That would be fine. I have to finish packing stuff up here at the beach then I will be able to head over there.

Jessica: Okay that's fine. I think Alice and I are going to run to the store to get some snacks and drinks before we start our movie night.

Austin: Sounds good I will text you when I am on my way.

After Jessica put her phone down she grabbed her shoes and her jacket and walked out of the hotel room followed by Alice. They walked to the closest store and got some snacks and drinks before making their way back to the hotel where Austin was already waiting for them outside their room.

"Hey you told me you would text me when your on your way. How long have you been waiting out here?" Jessica asked as she unlocked the door.

"I just got here maybe five minutes before you two. I did text you you must have not seen it." Austin said as he walked into the room. Jessica rolled her eyes and walked over to her bed and dropped the bags before she fell onto the bed. Austin came over and sat on the bed when there was a knock on the door and Alice went to open it.

"Oh hey Jake come on in. The one laying face down is my best friend Jessica and the other one is Austin." Alice said. Jessica picked her hand up and waved at him but didn't lift her head up.

"Uhh Jessica are you okay?" Jake asked.

"Yeah I am perfectly fine. I am just having a tiny mental breakdown because of this stupid dance competition." Jessica said. She turned to look towards the door and jumped when she felt Austin run his hands through her hair.

"And that is exactly why we are having a movie night to distract her from the competition. Now we have snacks and drinks let's pick a movie and have fun." Alice said as she walked over to the TV and grabbed the remote. She turned a movie on and sat on her bed. Jessica repositioned on the bed and Austin laid beside her while Jake laid on Alice's bed.

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