Chapter 11

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  Jessica woke up extra early and quickly got ready so she could head to the stadium that the competition was being held at because if they are there early they can practice their dances. Jessica had been there for two hours dancing around their dressing room when the rest of the team came in.

  "Okay next time you are telling me that you are waking up early and coming down here so that when I wake up and see you not there I don't freak out. Also you have got to get better about answering your phone." Alice said when she walked into the studio.

  "Sorry I turned my phone off when I came here. I got up early and came here because dancing helps me keep my mind off things." Jessica said as she turned her phone back on. She had tons of messages come through and most of them were from Alice but she also had some from Austin.

  Austin: Hey I am off today so I can come by and watch you compete today. I am going to head by your hotel with some good luck donuts. Isabell also wants to come with me.

  Austin: I came by your hotel with Isabell and Alice told me that your not here. She said she can't get ahold of you is everything okay?

  Austin: Isabell and I are here to watch the competition. If you have some time later come by and say hi. Isabell won't leave me alone until you do.

  Austin: Okay did I do something wrong that your ignoring me?

  Austin: I am sorry for what every I did to make you ignore me. Please just answer me. I just want to know if you are okay. I asked Alice if she found you yet and she hasn't answered me.

  Austin: Please just answer me. You are starting to really worry me.

  Jessica read all of the messages and started to feel bad because he thinks he did something when it was not anything that he had done. She was just not wanting to talk to anyone when she is dancing.

    Jessica: Hey I am so sorry. You didn't do anything wrong I just wanted to be alone so I came here to work on my dance some before I compete and I shut my phone off. If you meet me near the dressing rooms I will come out there and say hi.

  Jessica grabbed her jacket that had her team's logo on it and headed out the door and to where she had told Austin to meet her. She waited for a while before Austin had shown up. Instantly Isabell ran over to her and wrapped her little arms around her. She picked Isabell up and spun her around before putting her down and going to give Austin a hug.

  "I am sorry about ignoring you. This week there is so much tension and stress that I wanted to take a break from everything and turn my phone off." Jessica said.

  "It's fine I was just worried I had done something wrong yesterday by accidentally falling asleep in your hotel room." Austin said as he let Jessica out of the hug.

  "No not at all. I have to get back because I have to find out when I have to go perform but we can definitely do something later if not then tomorrow if your not working." Jessica said. She gave Austin and Isabell one more hug before she walked back to her dressing room to get ready.

  "You have this Jessica after being stuck in the studio with you for an hour yesterday I know you will be able to take this one all the way. Just remember not to break down during your dance." Alice said as she walked with Jessica to the side where she waited to be called out onto the stage.

   "Next is our American dancer Jessica Barlow." The announcer said. Jessica went out on stage and got ready. When her music started she put everything she had into her dance and by the end of it she was ready to break down in tears because of how much this dance ment to her. When she ran off the stage after her performance she ran straight into Alice's waiting arms and she broke down into tears.

  "Hey you did amazing out there. I feel like a proud mother watching you out there in stage. You have improved so much this past year and it definitely shows how important that performance was to you. Come on let's go find Austin and Isabell because they can put a smile on your face." Alice said as she led her away from the stage. They could Austin and Isabell and Jessica instantly gave Austin a hug.

  "That was amazing Jessica. Now I know why I was kicked out of your room yesterday so you could go to the studio. That dance was so powerful that you had a lot of the people in the audience in tears." Austin said. Jessica smiled softly against his chest as she hugged him. She let go and picked up Isabell who had a sucker her mouth now so her hands were sticky.

  "Hey how about you don't pick her up. You are wearing a white dress and she is probably a sticky mess with her lolly there." Austin said as he grabbed Isabell from her and sat her on the ground.

  "Yeah we probably should have had you change before coming out here. Hey can you believe it. After today there is only two days left of the competition. This is crazy." Alice said. Jessica gave her a small smile before she looked down at Isabell again. She is the same age as her brother so seeing her acting like a typical six year old was starting to get to her so she walked away with Alice calling behind her. She walked outside the building and leaned against the wall. She slid her back down the wall and started to cry. Everyday she is reminded of her family and she misses them so much. It has been almost a year since they died and she would give anything to have them back with her.

  "Oh Jessica come here." Jessica heard. She looked up and saw Alice looking down at her. She felt Alice wrap her arms around her so she leaned against her and cried even harder against her chest.

  "Shhh. It's okay. You know that they are watching over you everyday and they are so proud of you. You are the strongest person I know. If it were me I would not even be here attempting to compete. I would have probably given up dancing all together but here you are kicking ass and taking name." Alice said. She started running her fingers through Jessica's hair since she had worn it down. They sat there for a while before they went back inside to watch the others compete.

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