Chapter 7

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  The next day Jessica had off so she had been at the studio trying to figure out what changes she could make to her dance because her was hurting a lot when she woke up the next morning. It was really sore for her to move it so she changed some of the parts that she had to support her weight with her hands. Now she is waiting beside the stage waiting to go on stage and hopeing that she doesn't mess up the new choreography.

  "Next up is American dancer Jessica Barlow performing her solo." The announcer said. Jessica went out onto the stage and got ready to start when she saw Louise smirking at her off stage.

  Jessica took a deep breath and made her way out onto the stage and got ready for her dance. She began it different this time because her hand was hurting. When she did her front hand spring she felt a pop in her wrist and she knew that could not be good. She got through her dance and walked off the stage to the dressing room and quickly changed because her team's dance was coming up soon.

  "Jessica how is you wrist feeling? Do you think you will be able to do the stunt or should i get you and Ashley to switch like we practiced?" Their teacher said.

  "It is feeling good. I should be able to do the stunt like we had originally planned." Jessica lied as she pulled her costume on. They were told they had ten minutes to get onto the stage the team went to beside the stage and finished up stretching some.

  Jessica was circling her wrist and trying to get the soreness out when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

  "Jessica I know you lied to her about your wrist. I watched you cover the bruise this morning. If it is still hurting you really shouldn't do the stunt. We don't want you to risk hurting it worse." Alice said.

  "It is just a bruise on my wrist. It doesn't even hurt that bad." Jessica lied. Alice looked like she didn't believe her but dropped it as she got back to where she needed to so they could enter the stage in their formation for the dance. When they were announced they went out and started the dance. When it was time for the group dance Jessica started to get nervous because her wrist was hurting a lot more now.

  She went over to Alice who grabbed Jessica's wrist and Jessica was happy that her back was to the audience because she winced. She put her left leg onto Alice's supporting knee and leaned back to where her whole body weight was against her arm and she grabbed Ashely and helped her to be lifted up by the whole group and she was in a split over all of the other girls. After the song ended they put Ashely down and the rest of the girls climbed down and Jessica ran to the dressing room to keep people to see the tears that were now starting to run down her face.

  "Damn it Jessica I asked you if your hand felt okay enough to do it and you lied to me." Her teacher said as the rest of the team slowly made their way back into the dressing room.

  "Well my hand had been feeling better. It just hurts a lot more now." Jessica said as she cradled her hand against her stomach. She started trying to get her costume off but stopped when her wrist hurt worse.

  "Okay that is it we are getting that wrist of yours looked at and if it is bad you most definitely are dropping out of the competition because there is no way I am going to allow you to compete until you get it checked out." Her teacher said. Jessica agreed and went to the stage to find out the results of the competition. After she was told she could move on to the next stage of the competition she left the stadium and went back to the hotel before everyone else did. She decided to see what Austin was up to while the rest of her team was still at the competition.

  Jessica: Hey I just got done with the competition for the day and wanted to see if you wanted to like hang out or something.

  Jessica put her phone down and grabbed some ice out of the freezer and sat back on the bed. She placed the ice over her hand as her phone went off she she picked it up and checked it.

  Austin: Hey I actually got off work a few hours ago so if you want we can hang out. Maybe watch a movie if you want.

  Jessica: It would be fun to watch a movie. How about we watch a movie in my hotel room. The rest of my team is still at the competition I just left early so my roommate is not here to bug us.

    Austin: That sounds great. I can be there in 10.

  Jessica: see you in 10.

  Jessica put her phone down on the bed and went into the bathroom to let her hair down and take the make up off her face. She looked down at her hand and saw that it was even more swollen and bruised worse now then it had been that morning. She moved it around and winced from the pain it causes.

  She had just sat back down when there was a knock on her door so she went and opened it to see Austin standing there.

  "Hey come on in Austin." Jessica said. She entered the room and sat down on the bed grabbing the ice pack off where she left it and putting it back on her hand.

  "Oh did you hurt your hand dancing today?" Austin asked.

  "Actually I hurt it a few days ago but it got worse today." Jessica said.

  "Oh dang how did you hurt it?"

  "Well i was doing a part of my dance where I jump up from a seated position and do a split in the air with one of my hands on the ground and i landed on my hand a little bit too hard and it started hurting. Today when i was doing my dance i felt a pop during my back hand spring and it wont stop hurting." Jessica said. She pulled the ice off her hand and let Austin see her hand.

  "Okay I am taking you to get it looked at that does look good. It could be dislocated or broken come on." Austin said. He pulled her off the bed and out to her car. They went to an urgent care and sat there for a while before she was called back. After being there for an hour the doctor told her it was dislocated and they had to relocate it. After her wrist was back in place they put her arm in a brace and told her to take it easy. Jessica left the urgent care and went back to the hotel where they watched movies for a while.

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