Chapter 19

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  When they got to the resturant Jessica carried Isabell in on her back while walking in with Aistin and Alice. They waited for a little bit before they got a table. Isabell was running around like a crazy person and the team were watching her and laughing. After a little bit Jessica looked over at Austin and noticed he was not acting like himself and he was being oddly quiet. Jessica grabbed his hand and pulled him outside.

  "Hey what's going on with you?" Jessica asked him.

  "Nothing is going on with me." Austin told her.

  "Then why are you not acting like yourself. When I came to come find you guys after the show you looked like something was upsetting you and now you are not acting like yourself." Jessica told him.

  "Well maybe it's because of what happened. Last night I was called by Alice to come over because you were in a panic and when I got there all you would say is it's all my fault. When I tried to ask Alice what happened she said that she isn't the person to tell me. I was going to ask you this morning but you once again took off so I asked Isabells dad to see if he could find out but he told me you said it was nothing and would not tell him." Austin said.

  "Look Austin it was nothing. The stress of the competition is just getting to me some. I had a bad dream that night and it freaked me out." Jessica lied. She hates lying but she is not ready to say anything yet.

  "I don't think it was just a bad dream that would freak you out that much. I know you are hiding something from me. I know that I have only known you a week and a half now but I am starting to like you alright. I just want to know what is bothering you so much so I can help you." He told her. Jessica could tell he was starting to get frustrated.

  "Yes there is something bothering me but I really don't want to talk about it. It's something personal that I don't tell anyone about." Jessica sat down on the bench and patted the seat beside her for him to sit down.

  "Oh you won't tell anyone but you will tell my mate who you have only met once?" Jessica looked up at him in shock.

  "Yeah we talked about it some because he was telling me about Isabell's mom and he asked me what was going on because I looked sad. So what if I told him. I am just not ready to tell you alright. Please just drop it." Jessica said standing up. She was starting to get mad that he was still pushing her.

  "Why won't you just tell me. I just want to help you."

  "Because it's not something anyone can help me with. You really want to know fine. It's because I blame myself for how my parents died and the stress of this competition is getting to me. The only reason I am back here is because I promised my mother I would win this for her." Jessica told him before turning kn her heels and walking back into the resturant. She went over to where she was sitting and grabbed her bag.

  "I am sorry but I don't really feel like eating right now. I am not feeling the best so I think I am going to head back to the hotel to get some rest before I head to the studio later." Jessica told Alice. She nodded and stood up as well.

  "Okay. How about I come back to the hotel with you. You know I am not really into the whole dinner as a group thing." Alice said as she began grabbing her stuff as well. Jessica heard the door open and looked over to see Austin standing there.

  "No I think I just want to be alone right now." Jessica said.

  Alice gave her a knowing look and gave her a hug. She said bye to Isabell before she walked out. Austin tried to stop her but she just ignored him and kept walking. After she got outside again the door opened and she heard someone calling her name. She expected it to be Austin but when she turned around is was Isabell.

  "Why are you leaving? I thought we were here to celebrate you and your teammates moving on." Isabell said. Jessica held back tears and she bent down to talk to her.

  "I just don't feel like celebrating with everyone anymore. I think I am going to head to the hotel and get some rest. That competition is tiring me out hun. How about you go back in there with your dad and Austin before they get worried." Jessica told her as she gave her a hug.

  "Okay. We will be watching you tomorrow because I know you will move on to the finals." Isabell said as she ran back inside.

   Jessica felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She stood up and started running to the hotel. When she got to her room she fell on the bed and started crying hard. Isabell reminded so much of her brother. He would always tell her that she would be great and move on. When she had told him she was in the finals he cheered. She started crying more when she realized she will never get to hear her brother cheering her on. She pulled out her phone and called Alice because she could not be alone.

  "I know I said I need to be alone but please come to the hotel. I can't be alone right now." Jessica said as soon as Alice picked up.

  "Oh God. I am on my way. I want you to stay on the phone until I get there okay." Alice said. Jessica just mumbled and okay before she started crying even harder. Jessica heard Alice talking to someone and before long Alice was there with Jessica. She just pulled her into a hug and sat there until Jessica calmed down some.

  "What happened. You were just fine before you went outside to talk to Austin but when you came back in you left and then called me crying. Do I need to kill him for hurting you because you know I will." Alice said.

  "We got into a fight. He kept asking me what I was hiding from him and when I told him is was nothing he kept pushing me till I snapped and yelled it at him. Then I left. After I got outside Isabell came out and told me she will be there tomorrow because she knew I would make it to the finals and I lost it because that's why my brother told me when I got this far. I remembered how he cheered for me when I made it to the finals and I will never be able to make him that happy again." Jessica explained.

  "Aww hun. I know you are making them proud everyday you get up on that stage." Alice said as she held onto Jessica and began rocking. They sat on Jessica's bed for a while until Jessica fell asleep. Alice laid her down on the bed and laid beside her. She will figure out how to deal with Austin later but for now she needs to be here with Jessica.

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