Chapter 8

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  Since it was the weekend there was not a competition for two days so Jessica was told to rest so she didn't hurt her hand anymore. After Austin had dropped her off at the hotel, Jessica had found out that the team as a whole had not moved on but a few of the smaller groups and solos had moved on so the American team was still in it for the last week.

  "Girl let's go down to the beach. Maybe you will see mister hot life guard at the beach." Alice said as she tried to pull Jessica out of bed.

  "Alice we have the next two days off why don't we just hang out in the hotel for a while and let me sleep in. I haven't been able to sleep in for the past week because we were getting up early for the show or to get to the studio. Please just let me sleep in." Jessica said as she pulled the pillow over her head.

  "You did sleep in. It is already like twelve in the afternoon so get up so you can be productive today. Some of us are going to go down to the beach if you would like to come along with us. Maybe that hot life guard will be there." Alice said as she pulled the pillow off Jessica's face. Jessica groaned as she slowly climbed out of the bed.

  "Actually I am going to go talk with our coach then maybe head down to the studio so I can work on some of the dance." Jessica says as she begins to look through her bag for something to wear. She found a pair of shorts and a tank top and she pulled them on before she headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. When she left the bathroom she saw that Alice had left so she went and knocked on their teachers door.

  "Hey Jessica. I thought all of you girls were going to go down to the beach for the day. You need to rest that hand if you want me to even think about letting you compete this week." The coach said when she opened the door.

  "I didn't want to go to the beach with them. I actually wanted to talk to you about maybe changing my dance for the last week of the competition. Next week is a year since my family died and I kind of wanted to do a dance dedicated to my mother because I am doing this for her." Jessica said.

  "Yeah I will let you change the dance. Do you already have a dance choreographed or do you want me to help you choreograph one these two days that we are off?" The coach said.

  "I have one choreographed already but I wanted to ask if you would watch me and see if maybe there is anything I can change to make the dance better and maybe change some parts so I don't injury my hand anymore." Jessica said.

  "Yeah how about I get changed then we can head down to the studio and we can work on your dance. It keeps me out of going to the beach with the rest of the team. They have been trying to get me to go to the beach with them for a while." The coach said. Jessica nodded and she walked to her room. She grabbed her bag she usually takes with her to the studio and grabbed her phone. She checked it and saw she had a message from Austin.

  Austin: Hey your team is here at the beach and I don't see you here. Alice said you would be here later.

  Jessica: Yeah I am going to head to the studio for a bit because I am going to change my dance for the competition. After I work at the studio for a while I may take a trip to the beach for a while depending on how I am feeling after the studio.

  Austin: Well if you are feeling up to coming down to the beach I got off at four them maybe I could give you that surfing lesson I told you I would give you.

  Jessica: That would be fun. Well I have go to the studio. Talk to you later.

  Jessica put her phone in her bag when she heard a knock on her door. She placed her bag over her shoulder and she opened the door to see her dance coach standing there. Jessica exited her room and checked that the door was locked before she headed outside with her coach. They walked to the studio. They rented it out for a while and Jessica got set up.

  "Okay you show me what you do have and I can help you figure out what you don't have planned out already." The coach said as she grabbed a chair and sat down on it.

  Jessica turned some music on and she began to run through what she had written already before she stopped and waited for the teacher to help her with some more. Her coach helped her come up with more of the dance and they ran through it for a while before Jessica decided to lay on the ground to catch her breath.

  "How about you take a break today before you over work yourself. If you would like we can come back tonight after a few hours of you taking a break and work on it some more." Her coach said as she tossed a water bottle at Jessica. Jessica opened it and took a big gulp of the water before she got up off the floor and grabbed her stuff before heading back to the hotel.

  After she changed out of her dance clothes she jumped into the shower. After she got out she texted Alice to say she was heading over to the beach for a little bit and she headed out to the beach. She decided to walk there because it's not that far from her hotel.

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