Chapter 1

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It had been almost a year since Jessica lost her family in a car accident and Jessica was forfilling her mother wishes and she joined back into the competition and she made it all the way to the Australia part of the competition again.

"Come on let's do this again." Jessica said as she got onto the plane with her best friend Alice again.

"Yep and this time we will follow through with it. We will make it just as far this time and maybe even further." Alice said. She took her seat beside Jessica while the rest if the team followed. There was a lot of new people on their team this year because a lot of the people who were on the team last year decided to not try out this year.

"This year you are going to win with your solo I just know it. The dance you wrote is just amazing. You get me emotional every time. My little baby is all grown up and doesn't need me anymore." Alice said fake crying as she dramatically laid against Jessica making her laugh a little bit.

"Alice stop being so dramatic. I am always going to need you. You were there for me when I had no one else." Jessica said. She gave Alice a hug and sat in her seat.

"Everyone buckle their seat belts we are about to take off." The flight attendant announced. They got buckled and Jessica grabbed her headphones and put them into her ears and closed her eyes trying to get some sleep before they land.

"Why did you put your headphones in? Are you going to ignore me the whole time we are on this plane?" Alice asked taking out one of Jessica's headphones.

"Alice I am not trying to ignore you I am just trying to get some sleep since we will be getting there in the afternoon and I don't want to sleep after we get there because we have to get ready for the competition first thing tomorrow morning. You should do the same." Jessica said.

"I can't do that I had two coffeeies and an energy drink so I have so much energy that I don't even want to be sitting right now." Alice said. Jessica sighed knowing that she wasn't going to get any sleep.

"Okay first of all who let you have that much caffeine and secondly who am I going to kill for letting you have that much caffeine." Jessica said as she put her head phones away.

"It was my momma who let me have it and you can't kill my momma so haha." Alice said. Jessica pulled out her phone and clicked on Alice's mother's contact.

"Oh hey Jessica sweetie how is it going?" Her mother asked when she picked up the phone.

"Oh its going great except for the fact that Alice is wound up tighter than a rubber band and I am going to strangle your daughter in about five minutes." Jessica said. The flight attendant announced that they could unbuckle their seat belts and Alice got up to walk around.

"Hey she is your problem now so have fun." Her mother said before laughing and hanging up the phone.

"Oohhh I am going to kill her when I get the chance." Jessica said. She put her headphones in and listened to her music. She had dozed off for a bit before she was woken up to Alice poking her cheek.

"I will bite your finger off if you don't stop that right now." Jessica said.

"Hey I just wanted to tell you that we are about to land. You just slept through the whole 19 hour flight. How is that even possible?" Alice asked her.

"Because I haven't slept much these past few weeks since it's coming up on a year since the car crash that killed everyone." Jessica said. Alice gave her a hug and they sat there until they landed and were allowed to get off the plane.

"Come on ladies. We are going to head to the hotel then you ladies have to get to the booked studio to run through your dances. You ladies will have an hour before I expect you to be back to the hotel so we can get something to eat then run over the rules of the competition. The ones who had come last year don't have to be there but if you want a refresher on the rules you can come listen to them." Their teacher said. Everyone loaded up into the cars they were assigned to and headed to the hotel. Alice and Jessica were sharing a room so they got their room key then they raced to the room.

"How have you become so much faster than me. I was able to beat you last year." Alice said as she stood outside the room that Jessica was already in.

"Did you forget I started training even hard this year than I did last year. You would fight me not to go to the studio to practice so we could hang out." Jessica said as she started unpacking. She pulled a locket out of her bag and put it on. She sat on the bed and looked at the photo inside and Jessica came and sat beside her.

"Hey I know you will win this competition and fulfil that promise you made to your mother. If she were here now she would be so freaking proud of you." Alice said. She gave Jessica a hug and went to unpack her bag. After they had finished there was a knock at their door and Jessica went to open it because she was the closest to the door.

"Hey we are heading to the studio if the two of you would like to come with us." One of the other dancer have said.

"Yeah just give me a few minutes to change then we will meet you in the lobby." Jessica said. The girls nodded their head and left. Jessica grabbed her a pair of shorts and pulled them on. She grabbed a loose fitting crop top that went with them and they headed out of the room with Alice behind her. They met the girl in the lobby and they headed out.

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