All a lie part 45

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-3 years later-  

Betty's pov:

B-"Harper, come here baby! Let me fix your dress"

Six year old Harper came skipping over to me and let me fix her beautiful light purple dress.

H-"Thank you Mommy"

B-"You're welcome. Now go play with Charlotte"


She ran off to go find Charlotte while Toni walked over to me with her 7 month baby bump.

T-"B, is it bad that he won't stop kicking?"

B-(giggles)"No, that's good"

T-"But it hurts" (winces)

B-"Come here, sit down"

She sat down on the little couch in the room that we were in and I sat down next to her then came face to face with her big belly.

B-"Hey, it's aunt BB here. Can you try to give your mom a little break? She's really tired"

She continued to rub her belly up and down.

T-"It's working, thanks B"

B-"Anytime, I'll have to have Jug do it to me in a couple of months"

I put my hand on my flat belly and she gasped.

T-"Are you?"

B-(nods)"You remember how I was feeling sick a couple of days ago? Well I went to the doctor and found out that I'm 7 weeks"

T-"Oh my god, B! I'm so happy for you"

Tears started to form in both of our eyes as we both clung to each other.

B-"Okay, we need to stop crying, we already got our makeup done" (giggles)


C-"Betty! Come on! It's almost time!"

B-"I'm coming!"

I started to walk but Toni grabbed my wrist and held me back.

T-"You okay?"

B-(nods)"Just a little nervous"

T-"You'll be fine, you and Jug are meant for each other and you're going to live happily ever after"

B-(tears)"Remember the first time I came into the bar..."

T-"Oh great! Now I'm officially crying" (tears)

B-(tears)"Me too"

We pulled each other close and just let the tears slip from our eyes.

C-"Oh my god! This is like your guy's fifth time crying in the last hour! You guys are actually going to ruin your makeup!"

B-"Hey! Let the pregnant woman cry"

V-"Wait, you're pregnant?"

I nodded and Cheryl and Veronica joined in on our hug.

C-"Congrats Betty"

B-(sniffles)"Thanks Cher"

S-"Are you girls done crying back here? We have a wedding to start"

C-"Yes! We're ready! Let's get this show on the road"

I chuckled while everyone paired up and started to walk down the isle. And now it was my turn, my music started playing and Fp held out his arm.


I nodded and hooked my arm with his and we started to walk down the isle. As soon as I came into view with Jug, our eyes met, he looked like he was gonna cry, I was already crying when I reached the alter and Fp gave me away then sat down while the wedding started.

M-"And now it is time for the vows"

He turned to Jug and he grabbed my hand and looked deep in my eyes before starting.

J-"I never really believed in love. I never could think of something that I would never have, that was until I met you, Betty. You gave me everything I have always wanted in and a family. You gave me my beautiful daughter"

His eyes flickered to Harper and he smiled before looking back at me.

J-"And an amazing son"

He looked over to Ethan and smiled at him.

J-"And you gave me you. You and our kids are the best things that have ever happened to me. Words can not describe my love towards you ever since I held your hand in the hospital when you were having Harper. That day I called Toni and told her that I had fallen in love, she told me I was crazy...but I knew I wasn't, I knew that you were the girl that I wanted to spend my whole life with. And I will forever love you until the day that I die, and even after. I love you beyond words can describe"

The tears were ready to burst out, but i choked them back.

B-"When I first burst into that bar, I was only looking for a hospital. But I ended up finding the best thing that has ever happened to me. To be honest, I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you and our family. Whenever I see you playing spies with Harper, or playing ball with Ethan, I fall in love with you all over again. You even treat me like a princess when I am sick, or whenever I'm tired you rub my back. And I can't even begin to explain how much I have fallen in love with you over the past couple of years. I still get butterflies in my stomach every time we kiss...but that might just be the baby"

I smiled and placed my hand on my stomach and there were a few gasps throughout the room while Jug's jaw dropped.

J-"You're pregnant?"

I nodded and he smiled widely before coming and kissing me passionately while spinning me around.

M-"Uh you may kiss the bride!"

We then pulled away and walked down the isle as Mr and Mrs Jones.

8 months later I gave birth to a happy and healthy baby boy.  And not long after, my parents were arrested and sentenced to life. Jug bought a building behind the bar and turned it into a cute house for our family, while Toni, Cheryl, and their little boy moved into our rooms upstairs. Fangs and Sweetpea still live at the bar are remain single, with a few casual hookups that they meet while working at the bar. For Jug and I...we finally got out happy ending.

And to think, I thought it was all a lie.

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