All A Lie part 13

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Before I could say anything he slammed the door shut. Sweetpea went back to kissing me but I pushed him off of me and ran out of my room and into Jugs.

B-"Jug I'm sorry-"

Sweetpea stumbled into the room and Jug immediately turned to him then punched him to the ground. Sweetpea started to throw punches back until they were both wrestling on the floor.

B-"Jug! Get off of him!"

I tried to pull Jug off but Sweetpea pushed me back and I hit my head on the corner of Jugs desk. Everything started to get fuzzy and I heard someone call my name before everything went black.

Jughead's pov:

As soon as Sweetpea pushed Betty I lost it and beat him until he was almost unconscious.


I heard Toni yell and I looked over to see Betty laying on the floor unconscious with blood gushing from her head.


I rushed over to her and held her unconscious body in my arms while trying to stop her head from bleeding. Then, Harper started crying, Toni went to go get her and Fangs while Sweetpea was slowly sitting up.

Toni brought in a screaming Harper and handed her to me.

T-"She won't stop crying"

Yet, as soon as she was in my arms she stopped crying.

J-"Hi baby girl, you're okay, you're okay"

I rocked her back and forth soothingly while Fangs and Toni picked Betty up and put her on my bed then started to clear up her cut.

Fangs had always wanted to be a doctor or a nurse, so he learned a lot about this stuff and he was almost like our own personal doctor.

Betty's pov:

I woke up to Jug caressing my cheek with his thumb. Harper laid in his arms while sucking on her pacifier. When Jug saw my eyes open he pulled his hand away and smiled gently at me.

J-"Good you're up"

I smiled a little at him then sat up but got a glimpse of my forehead in the mirror. I ran my finger over my stitched up cut.

J-"After you hit your head it started bleeding then you went unconscious, then Fangs stitched you up"

B-"Oh" (whispers)

J-"Look, I'm really sorry for this. I overreacted and I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry"

B-"It's okay Jug, I was way out of line myself"

J-"No, you should be able to date-"

B-"Oh no, I'm not looking into dating anyone right now"


His eyes filled with sadness and his smile looked fake. He placed Harper in my arms and as I looked down at her she stared up at me with her big beautiful green eyes. I smiled at Jug and opened my mouth to speak but then Sweetpea entered the room...

S-"Oh good, you're up"

J-"What the hell do you want Sweetpea"

Jug said through a clenched jaw as Sweetpea smirked.

S-"Whoa, don't be a dick. I was coming in here to see if you could watch the baby while Betty and I go back and finish what we started"

He smirked at me, which made me feel very uncomfortable. Jug must've noticed because he got up and push Sweetpea out of the room.

J-"Get the hell out"

S-"Why should I do that?"

J-"Because I fucking said"

S-"Oh you think you're so tough because you run a gang, well guess what, 6 years ago you were downing eight packs in your free time after some girl broke you're heart, but you should know... like father like son-"

Before Sweetpea could catch his breath Jug slammed him into the door and held his pocket knife to his throat.

J-"You don't ever talk about my father like that! You hear me?!"

Jug let me him as Sweetpea caught his breath and Jug started to walk back to us then sit down when Sweetpea started again.

S-"She's just gonna break you like Sofia did, like they say... every slut is just like the next one-"

Jug shot up and threw another punch towards Sweetpea's cheek before slamming him against the door once again.


Harper started to cry so I got up and left the room to try and calm her down.

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