All A Lie part 18

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H-"Dada stop!" (laughs)

We all froze in our tracks and the whole room went silent while they all turned to me.


Before he could finish I ran upstairs and went into my room before closing it behind me and sliding down it while the tears broke out.

Harper was very, very smart. She knew who her mama was, who her aunt TT was, and who her uncles were. So she definitely knew who Jug was, and in her eyes he was her father. And I can't blame her, he has treated Harper like his daughter since she was just hurts. It hurts so much because I see how good Jug is with her and how happy Harper is with him, and I wish everyday that he was her father. But every time I look at her I see him...I see her biological father, and to hear her say the words to Jug, it brought tears to my eyes.

J-"Betty" (softly)

Jug said through the door, knocking on it again. I turned and unlocked the door and he walked in with Harper on his hip. He sat down next to me and set Harper in his lap.

J-"I'm so sorry Betty, I-I didn't know that she was gonna say that-"

I put my finger over his lips and turned to him then cupped his face before sniffling then turned the sniffles into a small smile.

B-"It's okay Jug. I'm happy that Harper has someone who she views as a father long as you're okay with that..."

J-(smiles)"I'm more then happy with that"

B-"Good" (smiles)

He wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder before he planted a kiss on my head.


B-"Yeah baby?"

H-"My dada" (giggles)

She snuggled into his chest and smiled at me while Jug chuckled and kissed her head.

B-"Sorry to steal your dada" (giggles)

J-"Let's go back downstairs so Harper can open some of her presents!"


She clapped her hands as we both smiled at her then Jug picked her up and we went back downstairs then continued Harp's birthday party.

-A couple of hours later-

It was now night time and Harper had fallen asleep on the sofa while Toni and I cleaned up.

T-"So what happen between you and Jug earlier?"

B-"We talked, and we are both perfectly fine with her calling him dada"

T-(smiles)"Good, you guys are such a cute family"

B-(giggles)"Thanks Toni"

As we continued to talk Sweetpea and Fangs came rushing down the stairs just as Jug came running in from outside.

J-"What's so urgent guys?"

F-"The ghoulies are back..."

I didn't even hear the rest of his sentence because my whole body froze and I blanked out. Finally I came back to reality when Jug waved his hand in front of my face.

J-"Hey, you okay?"

B-"Y-Yeah, I a little scared for a second there"

J-"Hey, there's no need to be scared. I'm gonna protect you guys with my life, okay?"

I nodded and smiled at him before he pulled me to his chest.

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