All a lie part 41

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B-"Betty...Betty Smith, and this is Harper"

I pointed to Harper as she took another bite of the bread and waved.

We continued to talk about how long we had been in here, I told him that I had been in here my whole life, then I escaped but then they caught me. He told me that he'd been in here for many years.

Soon, after we had been talking for a little while I heard soft snores and looked down to see Harper asleep on my lap. I sighed and brushed my hand through her hair.

Fp-"I'm sorry that you're locked up in here"

B-"Thank you, I'm trying to figure out a plan to get out of this place again. But it's going to be harder with Harper. But I just want to get back to my boyfriend, I miss him so much, and he doesn't even know that I'm pregnant"

Fp-"He doesn't?"

B-"No, we had a fight and he kicked me out before I could tell him"

Fp-"He sounds like an asshole"

B-(sighs)"I was the asshole in our relationship, I wasn't a very good girlfriend. But he was the best father, best friend, and boyfriend anyone could ask for"

Fp-"I'm sorry. I'm sure that we can get you two out of here soon"

B-(sighs)"I hope so, I don't want this lifestyle for Harper or this little one"

I rested my hand on my belly while still combing through Harper's hair.

Fp-"Try and get some sleep, it's late"

B-(smiles)"Thank you. Good night"


That night I had slept better, knowing that I was a little bit safer with Fp looking after me.

-The next morning-

H-"Mommy! Mommy wake up!"

Harper shook me awake and I opened my eyes as she crawled in my arms.

B-"Hi love"

H-"Hi" (giggles)

B-"You're so silly"

I tickled her stomach as she continued to laugh hysterically.

We heard a chuckled coming from the other cell and we looked over to see Fp laughing at us. Harper went over to him and waved at him.

Surprisingly Harper was very entertained by his hand tricks. Until she saw a picture sticking out of his pocket.

H-"Who's that in the picture?"

Fp-"That's my son, do you wanna see him?"

She nodded and I walked over to her and tried to stop her but then she said it.

H-"Mommy look! It's Daddy!"

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