All A Lie part 1

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B-"Someone! P-Please! Help, I'm in labor- ah!"

I clutched my stomach as I barged into one of the bars down the alley, I had been running for a couple of minutes but I wasn't getting much farther. My contractions were getting closer and closer together and I needed to get to a hospital.
As the contraction was coming to an end a boy who looked to be my age ran down the stairs and to my aid.

?-"Ma'am, do you have any family or friend we can contact?"

I shook my head as another contraction came over me.

B-"I... I just need a-a hospital- ow!"

?-"Okay, we'll get you there. Can you walk?"

I nodded. The contraction came to an end and he took my hand in his then lead me out to a car. He helped me in then ran over and hopped into the driver seat before starting the car and speeding off down the road.

B-"Ah fuck!"

I clutched my stomach while holding onto the bar above the window. I squeezed the bar and rubbed my belly. As the contraction ended I turned over to the boy in the seat next to me, he was dripping with sweat with worry in his eyes.

B-"S-So what's your name"

I tried to keep my breathing calm as I rubbed my big baby bump.


B-"Jughead?" (chuckles)

J-"I know, it's a weird name but it's better then my actual name"

B-"Which is?"

J-"That's for another time baby"

B-"Baby" (giggles)

He smirked and grabbed my hand as another contraction hit, I squeezed it as a few tears escaped my eyes.
We finally made it to the hospital and he helped me in by a wheelchair.

J-"Help! Someone get this lady some help she's in labor!"

A couple of nurses rushed over to me then helped me into a room, Jughead followed. Once they got my set up in the room they had a doctor come in and check how many centimeters dilated I was.

D-"Well it looks like you got here just in time, you're ten centimeters dilated. We need to get you into labor and delivery"

B-"Please, just get this baby out of me"

D-(chuckles)"Okay, we'll get you wheeled over there right away"

He called in a couple of nurses before they hooked me up to a bunch of things then started to wheel me out when they stopped and turned to Jughead.

N-"You coming, Dad?"

B-"Oh h-he's not the-"

J-"Yup, I'm coming"

He rushed over to me and grabbed my hand before smiling down at me softly.

N-"Okay, let's get this show on the road, and get you too ready to become parents"

I nodded as a contraction started, I put my hand on my stomach and clutched it before letting out a small wince.

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