All A Lie part 10

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-A couple of weeks later-

Everything had been going great lately, I had started my job at the bar, Jug normally watched Harper as I worked. He even set up a little play corner for her in his office.

Harp loved Jug, her face would light up every time she saw him, and it was really cute. I couldn't believe that Harper was almost 2 months. I couldn't believe how fast the time had gone.

Jug, Harper, and I had just gone out of the house to go to the baby store. We took Jug's car because it had the car seat in it. I sat in the back with Harper while Jug drove.

Once we reached the baby store Jug got Harper out of the car and carried her in then placed the car seat in the carriage since she was sleeping. Jug and I walked around for a little while and got some clothes and diapers for her. Then we arrived at the car seat section.

Jug wanted to give me a car for free but I said that I would only do it when I could pay for half of it, he said that was fair, and surprisingly, after only working for 2 months I had achieved my goal. So I paid my half to Jug and he gave me the keys. Now we were just looking for a car seat for my car.

B-"I like this one"

I pointed to the black and purple one. It wasn't to expensive and it would be perfect.

J-"Okay, put it in the cart"

I nodded and threw the car seat in the cart before we headed onto another isle. As Harper awoke I pick her up out of the car seat and rocked her as we walked down the isle.

B-"Okay, what did we need again?"

J-"Pacifiers, diapers, burp clothes, bottles, and the hand covers, she's been scratching"

I nodded and walked over to get everything Jug had said. He followed me with the cart as I threw everything in the cart then we went and paid.

After we loaded the car we drove over to Pop's and went then sat down on opposite sides of each other. Jug took Harper because he wanted to give me a break. We then both ordered and while we waited for our food Jug fed Harper. I giggled every time Jug would tickle her tummy and play peekaboo.

He was a father figure for her, and I was beyond thankful for that. I was beyond thankful for him. He made my life so much easier, and he was great at doing it. He made both Harper and I smile, he never failed to make me laugh.

J-"Okay, hands down, Harper is the cutest baby I have ever seen in my life"

B-(chuckles)"And how many babies have you seen in your lifetime?"

J-"2" (whispers)

B-"Harper don't have a lot to compare to"

J-"She doesn't even come close to any of them, she's perfect"

He smiled down at Harper drinking her bottle in his arms. Then he turned to me and smiled. His smile made me feel warm inside, he made me feel comfortable and he cared about me, and he didn't care what other people thought about me. He stuck up for me every time someone would say something about me being a teen mom, because he knew that I was as happy as can be, even if I was a teen mom.

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