All a lie part 39

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I fell unconscious and woke up back in the cell with Harper by my side.

H-"Mommy" (tears)

She ran and climbed into my arms and clung to me.

H-"Who was that bad man?"

B-"Nobody that you need to worry about. Now get some sleep, we'll talk more in the morning"

H-"Okay, good night Mommy"

B-"Good night my angel"

I kissed her head as she laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

Poor girl, she's probably scared to death. She's only 3, I can't let her grow up in here like I did. I won't let that happen, even if it will be a little hard to escape...I'll find a way.

-1 week later-

3rd person:

Veronica had noticed the disappearance of her friend a couple of days ago. She thought of so many different scenarios but she didn't know what had happened. So, she made it her personal duty to find out what had happened to Betty Smith.

First, she went out to the clinic that Betty had been going to. It was a lower quality one because Betty hadn't had that much money to afford a high-end one like Veronica had. As Veronica arrived to the clinic she walked in the doors with her stroller and went straight up to the front desk.

F-"Hi! How many I help you!"

V-"Um, I am looking for Betty Smith, and I was wondering if she ever came to her ultrasound appointment she had booked for last week?"

F-"Well, let me see here"

She clicked a few buttons on the keyboard that was placed in front of the old computer screen.

F-"No, she did not show"

V-"Okay...thank you for your help"

Since she had no luck there she went to Pop's. As she walked in she was greeted by Pop who, as always, had a big smile on his face.

P-"Veronica! So nice to see you again. But, you're still on maternity something wrong?"

V-"Well, um, I was just wondering if Betty had come in for any of her shifts in the past week?"

P-"I hate to say it, but no. I've been worried. Do you know if she's okay?"

V-"I'm figuring it out. Thank you for your help"

P-"No problem. Keep me updated"

V-"Of course"

And the last place that she was going to visit was her apartment. But first she had to stop and feed little Charlotte. So before she put her back in her car seat she fed her.

V-"I know you miss your best friend, I miss mine too. But we'll find them"

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