All A Lie part 20

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Je-"She is so cute! I just want to squeeze her"

I giggled while Harper sat in Jellybean's lap while they colored.

B-(giggles)"I know, I have to fight myself not to wake her up when she's asleep"

I reached over and tickled her belly while she giggled.

Je-"So, what's going on between you and my brother?"


I continued to fold the clothes and avoid eye contact until Jelly was about to say something when Jug opened the door and Harper's eyes filled with joy as he came over and lifted her up then placed her on his hip.


Ju-"Hi baby"

I stood up and started to put the laundry away when I felt a gaze on me, I looked up and saw Jug staring at me while smiling, I started to blush before I turned to him.

B-"It's rude to stare you know" (giggles)

Ju-"Those rules don't apply when you're this beautiful"

My cheeks turned more red and I smiled up at him.

Ju-"Oh and my mom wanted to have dinner with us before they leave tonight"


Ju-"Okay, I'll leave you two to finish your girls day, while Harper and I have our own fun and color"

I smiled at him and kissed Harper's forehead before he walked out of the room and I sat back down across from Jelly.

B-"Okay, what color do you want your nails to be?"


B-(chuckles)"We've been trying to teach Harper her colors, and she keeps mixing up blue and green"

Jelly smirked at me as I blushed slightly, I continued to paint her nails while she smirked at me.


J-"You guys are such a cute family"

I chuckled lightly before replying with a 'thank you' then continuing on with her nails.

-A couple of hours later-

The dinner had started and Jug, Jelly, Gladys, Harper, and I sat down on one of the pull out tables we had in the basement. Jug and I sat on opposite sides of Harper and took turns feeding her, while Gladys and Jelly sat across from us. The dinner was going great but every so often Gladys would ask me questions that would make me uncomfortable. I was dealing with the questions as best as I could until she asked this question...

G-"And Harper's father? Did he leave you? Is that why you played all innocent so Jug would take you in?"

I had finally lost it and snapped.

B-"Okay, fine, if you would like to know, Harper's father was a terrible person. And no he did not leave me, I left him and I was on the run when I was in labor, so when I came here Jug came to my side and has helped me through everything, he is an amazing father figure to Harper and treats her like his daughter. If you can't accept that, then you have no business being here"

I took Harper out of her high chair and put her on my hip then walked upstairs and into my room.

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