All A Lie part 15

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J-"Throughout her pregnancy I was there for her through everything, the doctor appointments, the restless nights, the hormones and mood swings, the midnight runs to Pop's for her cravings... I was there for all of it. Although throughout her pregnancy she was very... secretive, she would often pick fights with Toni, Sweetpea, and Fangs. I would always tell them that it was just her pregnancy but they didn't believe me. Then, Toni overheard her on the phone with someone..."


J-"Toni will you just leave it! She is pregnant, it is okay if she a little moody and upset sometimes"

T-"Jones you aren't understanding, she is hiding something, I know it!"

J-"Toni! I said to leave it, I don't need you interrogating her, she's already scared enough with this pregnancy and everything else goes on"

T-"Jug I heard her on the phone with someone, can you please just listen to me!"

J-"No! No, I can't sit here and listen to you talk bad about my girlfriend who is carrying my baby"

T-"Fine, get your heart broken, but don't come crying to me when you do"

-End of flashback-

J-"I should have listened to Toni, but she was right I ended up getting heart broken" (sniffles)

Betty wiped another one of my tears as they started to spill out once again.

J-"One night, my father was going out to take care of some business with the ghoulies, I spent the whole night pacing back and forth scared out of my mind. And finally Sofia got me to fall asleep, yet come the next few days... he never came home" (sobs)

B-"Shhhh, shhh"

Betty rubbed my arm while handing my tissues.

J-"Then a couple of days later I was sent a photo that confirmed my fathers death, and when I went to my room that night... I found Sofia and when I looked more closely at her, her s-stomach w-was flat" (sobs)


J-"Sofia? W-What's wrong with your stomach? Where's...where's the baby?"

S-"I had an abortion"

J-(tears)"W-What? Why would you do that?"

S-"Because I'm going back to my parents"

J-"B-But your parents are dead-"

S-"Nope, they're still alive... and do you wanna know who they are, they're the people who killed your father!"

J-"What... no, that's not true! You're lying"

S-"Babe I've been lying for our whole relationship"

J-"So... it was all a lie? You saying you love me, saying that we were gonna have a baby and be happy together-"

S-"It was all a lie could you try to catch on faster"

J-"But why, I-I was so happy, I love you! I was so happy that we were going to have a baby together" (sobs)

S-"Welp, sorry to break your hopes and dreams but I've gotta go"

J-"No! I'm not going to let you-"

Before I could finish she grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it over my head making me fall to the ground unconscious.

-End of flashback-

J-"It was awful Betty, and I was so excited for the baby and to be a father, but...but she took that away from me!" (sobs)

B-"Shhh, shhhh. Jug I'm so sorry"

She cupped my face while I continued to cry, and she wiped my tears.

B-"Listen, I don't want you to cry about her anymore. You can cry about your father and your unborn child, but not about her anymore, okay?"

I nodded and she got up and picked up Harper from her crib and brought her over then placed her in my arms.

B-"You have so many people that love you, so I don't want you to cry over Sofia anymore, I want you to forget about her"

J-"Okay" (softly)

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