All A Lie part 16

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Betty's pov:

As I woke up I opened my eyes and saw Harper laying in Jug's arms while they were both asleep. I grabbed my phone and snapped a quick photo before they both started to wake up.

When Jug woke up he smiled at me then smiled at Harper asleep in his arms.

J-"Harper woke up in the middle of the night crying and I wanted you to sleep"

B-"Thank you"

J-"I should say thank you for letting me open up to you"

B-(smiles)"Of course Jug, you've been there for me since day one, now it's my turn to be there for you"

J-"Thank you"

I laid my head on his shoulder and we both watched as Harper opened her eyes, she immediately started to smile and make little baby noises. Then she reached out her little arms and I took her in mine.

J-"You're such a good mom"


I then got up and grabbed one of her bottles out of the mini fridge and started to feed her while walking around.

J-"Well I'm gonna go get changed, I have some work to do"

B-"Okay, see you later"


-A couple of hours later-

?-"I'll take the check, and your number"

B-"I'm sorry sir but I'll only be giving you the check"

?-"Oh that's to bad, you look like a good time I'm bed" (smirks)

Him smirking at me made me seriously uncomfortable and Toni must've noticed because she came over to me.

T-"Hey B, why don't you take your lunch break"

B-"Are you sure?"


B-(mouths)"Thank you"

She nodded at me and I came out from behind the bar and walked upstairs to Jug's office to see him playing on the floor with Harper.

J-"And... peekaboo!"

Harper stated to giggle and I smiled at them and he noticed me and stood up then picked Harper up.

J-"She is very fond of peekaboo" (chuckles)

B-(giggles)"You're so good with her"

J-"I think that I'm her favorite" (smirks)

B-"Don't get to cocky Jones, she may love to play peekaboo with you but she's still a mama's girl all day"

I picked her up as Jug let out a small laugh then kissed Harpers cheek.

J-"I'll go get your guy's lunch, be right back"

He left the room and I sat down on the sofa while placing Harper down on her play mat.

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