All A Lie part 25

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-A couple of months later-

3rd person:

The last couple of months had been great...for Jughead. Betty had been filled with guilt and it made go crazy. But Jughead helped her, he always made her feel better when she was sad, he would cuddle her after a long day at work, and he was an amazing father to Harper. He treated her as his own daughter, and that's what he considered her as, his daughter. And to Harper, Jug was her father. Betty wouldn't have wanted it any other way, she loved the bond between her boyfriend and her daughter.

Betty's pov:

I was putting Harper's clothes in our dresser when I felt Jug's arms wrap around my waist.

B-"Hi" (giggles)

J-"Hi love"

He kissed my cheek then spun me around and I was met with his lips. As we pulled away I smiled.

J-"I got you something" (smiles)

B-"What'd you get me?"

He pulled out a piece of paper and I read it. It was reservations for the fanciest (and most expensive) restaurant in town.

B-"Jug! This is the most expensive restaurant in town!"

J-"I know"

B-"W-Why did you book a reservation then?"

He grinned at me then locked our lips and wrapped his arms around my waist.

J-"Because I am taking a very special girl on a date there"

My jaw dropped. He didn't stop smiling at me while gazing into my eyes.

B-"Jug you didn't have to do this"

J-"Yes I did, because I haven't taken you out of a proper date yet"

I smiled then leaned in and met with his lips again.

J-"Be ready at 7, I'll come pick you up"

B-"From where? We literally live 3 feet away from each other" (chuckles)

J-"Well a proper gentleman always comes to the I'll see you then" (smirks)

He pecked my lips before walking out of my room and I went back to folding the clothes.

-A couple of hours later-

B-" do I look?"

I looked at myself in my mirror before turning to Toni who was playing with Harper on her lap.

T-"You look hot B" (smirks)

B-"Thanks Toni"

H-"Mama, Mama"

She reached her arms up to signal that she wanted me to take her. I did pick her up and rest her in my hip.

B-"Do you think Mommy looks pretty?"

J-"I think Mommy looks pretty"

I turned to see Jug standing in the doorway in a nice black suit. He grinned at me then came over and pecked Harper's forehead and taking her in his arms.

H-"Dada!" (giggles)

J-"Hi baby"

He then turned to me and kissed my lips.

J-"Ready to go?"


J-"Okay, well Harp, Mommy and Daddy are gonna be out for a little while. Be good for TT"

He kissed her cheek while I kissed her other the handed her to Toni and gave her a quick hug.

B-"Thanks for watching her"

T-"No problem. Now go, get out of here"

J-"Will do"

He took my hand in his then led me out of the room and downstairs to his car before driving off.

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