Author's Note 3

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Thank you so much for your patience as I work to finish this story. It's been a rough couple of years since I last added to it. I've been battling some serious personal issues that just never seem to get better, but I'm just going to keep moving forward and do what makes me happy! I have every intention of completing this story, as I'm working on the final chapters as we speak. I plan to have them done before the new year.

Your votes and comments have been a breath of fresh air as I navigate the complexities of what I'm going through. I want you all to know that I cherish you all and thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share the darkness, the romance, and the hope I feel so deep inside as I try to bring that through into the stories I write.

The final chapters are upon us. Thank you all for your patience as I release them this month. I wish you all well.

Yours truly,
Pharmer-sensei 🌊


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