Chapter 42: Epilogue

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Ochako Bakugo walks into her new house slowly and in a daze. It's been a long day, and she isn't quite sure how to handle all the news she just received earlier today. Her mind is buzzing, and she can't think straight.

She inadvertently walks past the entryway of their house with her shoes on and doesn't even seem to register the yelling coming from the kitchen from a very upset husband.

"Ora ora ora Wifey!...what the fuck are you doing!?" Her neat freak of a husband yells stalking up to Ochako angrily holding her by the shoulders.

Ochako just stands there and blinks at Katsuki before she shakes her head to clear it saying, "huh...oh hey babe. Sorry I didn't catch what you said."

He looks disgruntled and scoffs, "tch! What the hell is wrong with you? Go take your shoes off woman!"

"Wait what?" Ochako looks down and realizes her mistake, "omigosh! I'm so sorry. I dunno where my head is at." She shakes her head in dismay and takes her shoes off and runs them back to the foyer.

"There! All better," she states smiling and laughing.

"Wait a fuckin minute! What the hell was that about!? What's gotten into you?" He yells more out of concern, but still not doing very well at expressing it after all these years.

"Ummm...K-Katsuki..." Ochako stutters nervously while slightly swaying unsteadily.

Katsuki's heart drops thinking something is actually wrong with her so he brings her close and holds her lovely face in his hand while the other steadies her swaying body at her hip, "what is it Angel?"

He strokes her cheek as tears well up in her eyes, "I-I don't know how to say this...I just got back from the doctor, b-but..."

She stumbles over her own words while he's mentally panicking at her weird behavior then he yells out preparing for the worst, "JUST FUCKING SAY IT!?"



Utter silence.

Ochako clasps her hands over her mouth with tears of joy welling up in her eyes as Katsuki stands there frozen and dumbfounded by the news. He tries to mouth the words but nothing comes out.

He mouths, "are you sure?"

Ochako silently smiles and nods happily.

Tears mist Katsuki's eyes as he mouths again, now with some semblance of sound, "are you s-sure?"

Ochako smiles and nods again about to squeal with happiness. Katsuki let's out a breath of relief, overcome by emotion and tears of joy to match his wife. He lifts her up into the air in a circle before putting her down to embrace her with all the love he can offer, and she returns it in kind.

"Holy shit!!!" Is the first thing to comes to his lips when his voice returns to him.

"I know!" Ochako responds giddy with nerves watching his ruby eyes light up.

"We're gonna have a fucking kid!"

"I know!" Ochako squeals again overcome by happiness at the wonderful news cupping his shocked face to look at him straight in the eye to say, "you're gonna be a daddy, Katsuki."

His tears of happiness finally fall, wrapped up in his wife's arms, overcome by emotion at the incredible news. His real dream is finally coming true to see this woman become a mother to a child that they create together. He never knew this would ever happen since it'd been years since Hotaru's healing.

Katsuki kneels down to nuzzle his face on Ochako's belly and embraces her fully, "you're gonna be such an amazing mom, Angel

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Katsuki kneels down to nuzzle his face on Ochako's belly and embraces her fully, "you're gonna be such an amazing mom, Angel. God, I love you." Then, he starts talking to the tiny baby growing in her tummy, "you're gonna fucking love her as your mom. She's sweet and beautiful and no other fucking extra compares to her. She's the strongest hero out there and saved more people than anyone I know. Hell, she's even saved my ass more times than I can count. But you know what? I'm gonna let you in on a little secret so you better listen up kid. Your mommy," he looks up at Ochako into her beautiful, tender eyes to say, "is MY hero."

Ochako stands there smiling brightly at her husband, embracing the man she always loved and admired since their high school days. A new chapter of their lives is about to begin, and she couldn't be happier knowing they're going to do this together.



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