Chapter 17: Hope

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Bakugo flips on the tv on his day off to watch news clips from the week while he makes himself a quick lunch. He hasn't heard or seen Pink Cheeks since their last encounter about a week ago and every damn day is killing him. She's on his mind when he finds himself in his own thoughts, and he has no idea how to get her the fuck out of his head. He's taken more cold showers this last week than he could count to keep himself in check.

The news has been buzzing about the rise in successful civilian evacuations and rescues since the Aegis Agency staked their claim in this area over the last few months, but specifically this last week when a new hero came onto the scene.

Pft...Fucking leeches. They're only relevant when the real pro heroes are out there actually doing the real fighting.

He's finishes heating himself up some spicy ramen and starts eating when he hears a familiar name capture his attention.

The reporter says, "ever since your arrival Uravity, Aegis Agency has assisted in three huge rescues in the last week to support other top heroes during villain attacks ranging from an armed robbery to an uncontrolled quirk activation that nearly destroyed two square blocks of residential housing and a school. All civilians were accounted for and not a single soul lost in those incidents. Experts attribute the high success rate to the support heroes like that of Aegis Agency. Even giving hope to our communities. How do you view what your agency has provided to our city since you started?"

"I'm very thankful our team was able to do what we could with such success. It helps having a great leader to lead us. Chrysalis is the best at what she does so we're taking every chance to learn and grow as a team to protect the people of this great city," a very bubbly and familiar voice speaks with ease.

Bakugo drops his chopsticks to listen and watch, turning up the volume watching the woman who's been occupying his mind all fucking week breeze through this interview with that fucktard reporter who gets off on cornering heroes with his dumbass questions about how awful heroes are for the world. He cringes at the sight of him even being close to his woman.

Fucktard Reporter continues, "it was incredible when you were able to lift that boulder when the uncontrolled quirk user accidentally initiated a rockslide nearby a school and the surrounding houses. The part of the rockslide that couldn't be contained by Chrysalis was left to you. How did you manage such an incredible feat when you just started there?"

The news begins to show a clip of Ochako as her hero persona, Uravity, jettison through the air as a massive boulder comes crashing down a hillside and touching it while activating her incredible quirk to keep it from destroying the school and some houses below.

"I may be new to this agency, but I'm not new to this sort of work. I have worked with Chrysalis before and if there's one thing I remember from what she taught me, it is to be five steps ahead of the situation. I could see the rockslide and the vulnerable areas that were still in danger. When that boulder came down I knew I had to work quickly to essentially catch it midair while activating my quirk," Uravity states matter of factly.

"Incredible! Truly a heroic feat," the dumbass reporter responds.

"Thank you for the kind words," Ochako says shyly.

"So, to change over to more recent news, there has been growing sentiment in the anti-hero community saying that the collateral damage is far too great when facing villains in heavily populated urban areas. What do you say about the pro heroes who fight villains but cause catastrophic collateral damage?" Fucktard reporter asks.

Oh here we go. That little shit of a reporter. Blaming heroes for causing casualties...

"Well I would say that's why Aegis Agency exists. We are here to support those who fight on the front lines because if not them, then who? Our quirks may not be flashy but they are built to protect what's important. We've spent years honing our skills to do just that. You said yourself that our very existence provides hope. Should we dare to hope for a better, more peaceful tomorrow? We want to support those who need us and that's what we intend to do," Ochako states with confidence with an amiable smile on her face.

Yea, you tell that piece of shit reporter that his shit won't stick. Fucking bastard. Trying to corner her into a false scenario. Damn, what fucking nerve those anti-hero zealots have for thinking we cause the damage. What kinda backass society thinks the good guys are responsible for all the bad shit that happens.

Bakugo thinks of how well she handled that reporter. She progressed far and beyond what she was when she left for America. Look at her now. They replay the video clip of her carrying the boulder away from demolishing a school full of children. He couldn't be more proud. This is exactly what she worked so hard for.

He looks down at his own hands knowing she never would have achieved it by his side. Is it selfish of him to want her only to hold her back again from any greatness she still has yet to reach? The thought disgusts him. Maybe their one night stand should stay as that, a one night stand. Hoping for something more is inviting a hell of a lot of heartache on both ends, but he craves that woman on a whole other level.

When she kicked him off her balcony, he was fucking pissed, but what did he expect? He did the same thing to her in high school. He convinced himself that having a girlfriend would only serve as a distraction to his goals so he left their budding relationship between them and behind closed doors. No one in or out, just them. Even the thought of someone knowing and using her as a means of collateral towards him, paralyzed him with fear.

But I'm done living with this goddamn fear. I still want her more than anything in this whole fucked up world.

He thought about her every goddamn day when they were apart after graduation. Seeing her again reignited something within him that he thought he'd lost. Hero work is only doing so much for him. He feels it deep within, how lonely and hollow it is to be at the top with no one to share it with. He touches his chest feeling the ache he thought left him long ago. It never ached when he was with Ochako. He felt whole. Perhaps complete.

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