Chapter 11: Rock On

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They take turns buying drinks for one another. It wasn't long until Ochako was feeling the effects of the alcohol and letting go some of her inhibitions as the night and the music continue on. She sways to the beat of the music seeing all her friends enjoying themselves around her.

A particularly hard song was being played and the crowd began to go wild opening up a mosh pit in front of her. Ochako is nearly swept away until Katsuki swoops in to bring her closer to him away from all the drunks and rowdy concert goers. She was so close to him that she could smell his familiar enticing scent. That scent opens the floodgates to memories of their time together.

The way he holds her is protective, almost possessive, yet gentle. His arms was a place she would seek comfort during the difficult years in high school since she was so far from her family and couldn't see them regularly. He would hardly ever show it in public, and especially not in front of their classmates, but he was quite affectionate and loving behind closed doors in his own unique way. He didn't know how to speak his feelings, but his actions would always speak louder than his spoken words.

"Watch it, Pink Cheeks. You're going to get yourself hurt with all these dumbasses around here," he says gruffly.

"Awww are you worried about me Ka.... I mean Bakugo?" Ochako teases back remembering her surroundings, only barely. "Did you forget that I can kick any of these guy's asses at the drop of a hat? Probably give you a run for your money too."

Bakugo smirks before saying, "I'm sure you can handle any of these fucking losers, but there's no way you could ever handle me."

"Aha is that a challenge, Bakugo?" Ochako gently shoves him back with a teasing hand on his chest, pinning him to the nearest wall. "What if I just happen to test out your theory right here, right now?"

Bakugo's eyes light up at the challenge letting a sinfully devilish smile appear on his lips, "be careful what you wish for, Angel Face. You might just get more than you bargained for," he whispers huskily in her ear before he grabs her wrist, and pulls her in only to switch places with her and pin her with her back against the wall.

A shiver finds its way down her spine at the formidable man in front of her. Ochako's pink cheeks deepen from the alcohol and the innuendo of his words. She dares to look him straight in his carnelian eyes to see the playful seriousness in them. She's not sure if it's the alcohol talking or the fact that her first love is in front of her throwing some rather daring moves her way in a very public manner, but she can't help but be pulled into his orbit as her inhibitions begin to betray her.

She smirks back at him letting her free hand trace the veins on his strong forearms delicately with her fingertips before whispering back in a low, sultry voice, "you never did know how to play fair, did you Katsuki?"

She hears a small, almost inaudible intake of breath come from his parted lips making her feel quite pleased with his response. She was relishing the small amount of power she held over him. The way his body quakes in frustration when his dominance is threatened is still undeniably amusing to her. He usually made her pay for it, one way or another.

He positions himself to completely overtake her figure with his large, imposing frame before he says, "I could say the same for you, you little..."

Just then, Kirishima swoops in to interrupt their interlude with a grin on his face before saying, "looks like you're both having a good time."

"Fuck off," Bakugo says frowning taking a half of a step away from his prey.

"Awww don't be like that Ka..Bakugo!" Ochako slurs slightly and chuckles sweetly. "We're having a great time. Ooooohhh let's go have fun in that mosh pit!"

After the Dust Settles: Bakugo x OchakoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя