Chapter 30: A Goddess in Cerulean

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Bakugo looks at his phone and reads the text, breathing a sigh of relief as he leaves his parent's office building, dressed in his suit for the gala.

Thank god she fucking found her. Now don't fuck it up and get her to the gala, Asui.

Bakugo walks out of the building to a waiting limousine. He slides in next to Shitty Hair while that Pikachu Shithead tries to rile up the rest of guys by showing off some dumb ass video on his phone. His eyes meet that Mind Fuck's sad as shit field of view for only a moment before that loser pussies out and looks back to that fucking Pikachu's distracting video. This puts Bakugo in an even worse mood knowing that Mind Fuck son of a bitch is gonna be in the same vicinity as his woman later with the image of him putting the moves on her at the reunion still fresh in his head.

"Hey, you doing alright man?" Shitty Hair asks, noticing his jaw clenching.

"What's it fucking to ya?" Bakugo replies with venom to his words.

"Seems like something's on your mind, dude," Shitty Hair responds back, unfazed by the familiar backlash.

Bakugo looks around a sees that everyone is distracted by that Pikachu Shithead, Kaminari. He lowers his voice to keep from being overheard, "keep your eyes and ears peeled tonight. I have a feeling something's going down."

Kirishima looks back at him with a stern, contemplative look and nods in understanding while the limo drives onward to their destination in the middle of the city at the convention center.

The limo takes them to a special pre-gala event Endeavor is making only the men do as a fucking publicity stunt while the ladies get treated by Chrysalis to makeovers or some shit. The guys get to be interviewed by some lame ass reporters, blah blah blah.

Thanks a fucking lot Endeavor. Goddamn this shit is cringy as hell. Fuuuucckkkk! I hate this dumbass shit!

After a nearly intolerable hour or whatever of all the bullshit and ass kissing, they finally got word that the ladies are on their way to join their male counterparts. It was made apparent that each guy was set up to walk into the gala with a female hero as arm candy all color coordinated and shit.

Real fucking original, ya old hag.

White: IcyHot Bastard and Little Miss Perfectly Boring
Red: Shitty Hair and Alien
Yellow: Pikachu Shithead and Ear Ropes
Green: Deku and Frog Face
Pink: Dipshit Robot and Psycho Inventor Chick
Purple: Mind Fuck and Nobody
Blue: Me and Ochako

A limo pulls up and with it comes several children from several of the orphanages that this fundraiser is being held for. Bakugo sees that tired looking woman from the park with several children surrounding her. They walk the red carpet dressed up and smiling as the reporters gush at how adorable the kids are and this and that.

He catches a pair of quiet amethyst eyes in the sea of children. They lock onto his as a small smile tugs at the corner of her lips, and he finds himself with a soft smile as well remembering their encounter at the playground.

Hitori, huh. Weird kid, but she's alright.

He sees her eyes look over as another limo with the lady heroes pulls up in style so the gala can officially start. The men walk over waiting for their partners to come out as the camera lenses shutter uncontrollably with flashes of light.

That IcyHot Bastard holds his hand out to his woman, and they walk down the red carpet like a fuckin "it" couple, gross. Can her dress leave ANYTHING to the imagination? But then again, maybe that's what that Bastard enjoys, having some knockers to play around with while he sadly fucks her with his limp dick. Me? I'm more of an ass guy.

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