Chapter 7: Leveling Up

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Angel Face.

A simple two words that could always make her heart melt. The name he gave her when they were alone in their most intimate moments together. Two words that always made her feel connected to the boy who could never express his emotions without a front. A name he gave only for his lips to speak and for her ears to hear.

A wave of relief spread throughout her understanding the meaning behind his words. Perhaps, this is his way of fulfilling her promise not to return until she was at her best. He might not be the happiest with her since she took so long to get back, but he's not exactly mad either. She was able to figure him out quite easily the more time she spent with the impetuous hedgehog in high school. His fiery attitude was always just a front for his insecurities, and he intrigued her despite it. He's still the same boy she remembers so fondly.

Their first encounter she could remember started when they faced each other in the first round of the individual tournament at the Sports Festival. Katsuki won against her, but not before realizing that she was the first person to push him to his limits. She was strong. She had ambition. All qualities that in turn, intrigued him and challenged him to reach higher and expect more of himself.

After being healed by Recovery Girl and speaking to her parents after her loss, she heard an insistent knock on the door. She wiped the tears away from her eyes trying to look herself as she opened it to see the last person she thought it would be. She knew him as Bakugo then. He even insulted her during the match calling her Round Face.

So what did he want? Surely it wasn't to gloat about his win over her

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So what did he want? Surely it wasn't to gloat about his win over her. She felt bad enough as it was after her epic failure.

He actually spoke crudely but it was the softest she'd heard up until now, "you alright?"

She was stunned.

She didn't think he cared one bit about anyone after his abysmal speech at the beginning of the festival. However, the more she thought about this boy, the more she realized how she may have misjudged him. The entire match, he came at her giving it his all. He never once hesitated to hit back even though she was a girl. He treated her like an equal, and she never forgot that. It was out of respect for a fair match which made her respect him in turn. She briefly remembered his face showing what she thought was concern before blacking out during their match.

"I'm fine," she said solemnly looking down at her feet in shame.

"Don't lie, dammit. Your puffy eyes say otherwise," he stated roughly.

Ochako huffed clearly irritated but felt her walls come crumbling down under his discerning gaze, "fine! I'm mad that I lost to you, ok? I gave it my all and it wasn't enough, but mark my words, I will get better and beat you next time."

Bakugo smirked, "that's more fucking like it, Pink Cheeks."

A small silence passed between them, and Ochako felt the beginnings of a smile tug at the corners of her face. It's as if all her frustration she experienced went away in that moment with that comment of encouragement from him. It was her own inabilities that caused her this shame of defeat, but he only illuminated the fact that it existed and how much harder she had to work to get better. This was an important stepping stone for her. She reached her first wall, and the only way to break through her limitations was to get better by working hard and learning as much as she could.

"Well, it's a level up from Round Face," she joked feeling some of the weight lifting off her shoulders as the smile spread on her face. "Watch yourself Bakugo. This is only the beginning. Just you wait and see!"

He smirked, "Looking forward to it, Uraraka."

That day forever awakened her to unlocking her limits and potential. That boy lit a fire within her, and she never wanted to be surpassed by anyone again. She would work harder than ever to become a great hero.

They became closer that day. He was a tough guy to crack, but he left a small opening in his facade for her to work her way into his life and eventually his heart. She learned so much from him. She even came up with a way to decipher how he was feeling based on what name he would call her.

Katsuki Bakugo Decoder:
Round Face = derogatory nickname, he's definitely mad
Pink Cheeks = everyday nickname (common), friendly terms around other people
Angel Face = special nickname, behind closed doors showing affection
Uraraka = showing respect and praise
Ochako = conveying sincere emotions (rare)

Ochako Uraraka Decoder:
Bakugo = everyday use at school, social occasions, etc
Katsuki = use only when they're alone with each other

Ochako feels the silence in the room hanging over her with so many eyes trained on them as the background slowly fades back into focus while she stands in front of Katsuki at the reunion.

Crap. She called him Katsuki. But wait, he called her Angel Face. Double crap.

They take a step away from each other as it becomes apparent their small interlude is causing a bit of a fuss where jaws are dropping and hanging open all around them. Here Katsuki is speaking to her casually out in the open in front of all their friends. Did he forget his own rule from high school to keep their friendship and relationship a secret from everyone. Why is he being so bold?

She blushes turning her face away shyly before hearing an irritated tone, "tch, fuck off extras."

Hey Lovies! I'm back to check in. So they finally meet, eyes locked from across the room. How romantic, no? Keep reading to see where we go from here.

Pharmer-sensei 🌊

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