Chapter 5: Shockwave, Part 1

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"I'm not going."

Kirishima laughs a little inside at how absolutely stubborn and petulant his friend is acting right now. He completely understands, but can't help but remember how manly his friend sounded ten years ago, going on and on about how he was going to sweep Ochako off her feet the moment she returned. Now, he sees his friend a nervous wreck trying to run away with his tail between his legs. He needs to say something to knock some sense into him.

Here goes nothing.

"Listen here and listen good. The girl of your dreams is back. I heard from a very reliable source that she's single. You're gonna get your ass changed and you're gonna walk right up to her and take her back like you promised. Stop being a pussy. It's so unmanly, dude."

Bakugo turns his face to look at Kirishima with rage blazing within his eyes as he clenches his jaw. Never in a thousand years would he think he'd be talking to Bakugo like that, but his friends needs the push so consequences be damned. Bakugo walks right up to Kirishima as he instinctually flinches thinking he is going to get the shit kicked out of him before Bakugo silently walks past him grabbing the outfit in a huff and going to his room to change.

You'll thank me later.


This is the last place Bakugo wants to be right now. He and Kirishima arrive at the lame karaoke bar that night for the reunion waiting for the rest of their classmates to arrive.

"Really!? Did it have to be a fucking karaoke bar of all things?" Bakugo thinks annoyedly. "Only those lame ass class reps would pick something so generic and boring. I mean, what would you expect from Dipshit Robot and Little Miss Perfectly Boring?"

"Dude, relax. You're clenching your jaw so tight, it's making my own hurt," says Kirishima.

"Tch. I'm not in the fucking mood for your shit right now," Bakugo retorts.

"Look. We're already here so we might as well enjoy it," his friend states.

Bakugo turns towards the bar while saying, "I'm getting a drink to make this bullshit tolerable."

"Whatever you say, man," his buddy replies.

Bakugo moves towards to the bar ordering a beer to occupy himself. He takes his beer from the attractive bartender who gives him a satisfying wink while looking him up a down fluttering her eyelashes. He rolls his eyes at her blatant eye fuck feeling uncomfortable.

The bartender reminds him of Camie when they used to date for a short time. He later learned she was a bit of a freak who enjoyed making passes at every piece of hero ass that came across her. He successfully kept away from her for as long as he could which only ignited her predatory fixation with him. It didn't take long for her to pounce on him and take advantage of his vulnerable ass after a tabloid blew up photos of Ochako and some reject hero overseas being an item. He was more than happy to have a distraction from that cluster fuck.

He takes a deep breath trying to focus on the door that's letting in all of the extras he used to go to school with. They all crowd around Kirishima as his friend makes easy conversation with any and all their classmates. That IcyHot bastard gives him a quick nod from across the room. I guess it can't be avoided since they both work at Endeavor's agency as the top two heroes there after that bastard's father retired from active hero work. Now, he just works from the sidelines as a pencil pusher, a shell of his former self. The only acknowledgement he gives is a distant side eye glance and a nod back before resuming his staring contest with the door.

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