Chapter 2: Some Things Never Change

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Ochako returns from her run to shower and changes quickly to meet up with Mina for a much needed afternoon out with just the girls. She leaves with Tsu and arrives at their destination in no time.

"Hey ladies!" Mina exclaims excitedly wrapping Ochako and Tsu up in a great big bear hug.

"Mina! It's been too long!" Ochako replies nearly in tears embracing her pink friend.

"I'm so happy we're able to meet up! I've missed you so much!" Mina exclaims.

Ochako, Tsu and Mina make the short walk to a nice cafe to get some lunch. They go to sit down, and Ochako finds a table near the cafe's window to be able to watch the passersby outside. Everyone seems so happy and carefree. It's a sight she was happy to see all around the world. It keeps her going, and that keeps the smile on face knowing her friends protect those smiles on everyone's faces.

"Ochako! Did you hear me?" Mina asks.

"Huh, what? I'm sorry, I must've zoned out! Haha, sorry Mina," Ochako sighs bashfully.

"Geez you had such a far off look on your face and that cute little blush," Mina teases. "Thinking about a guy? Oh my gosh, it totally is, isn't it!? Is someone from back in America? Or maybe it's someone from here?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Mina!" Ochako's blush deepens.

"See! It totally is," Mina continues getting carried away.

"Mina, she's just taking it all in, ribbit. Give her a break," Tsu says as the voice of reason.

Mina sighs begrudgingly, "Ugh, I guess. I just wanna hear all the juicy details of your time away in America. Did you meet anyone special?"

"There's not much to talk about. Sure I dated a few guys, but nothing serious. I was focused on other things, like my career," Ochako says, waving her arms like it's no big deal.

"What ever happened to you and that hero after that tabloid pic showed you guys making out? That was so hot!" Mina exclaims.

Ochako blushes and face palms, "oh that. It was so embarrassing. That guy was another hero working at the same agency and he asked me out and I turned him down pretty quickly. I guess guys like him aren't used to being told "no". He was pretty drunk when he kissed me. I'm pretty sure he knew the paparazzi was going to be there, and he wanted to get back at me for rejecting him. I realized the moment he went in to kiss me that he timed it so they could snap as many pictures as possible to get back at me. He tried to play it off like we were an item to the papers. I left that agency soon after since it became such a distraction."

"Oh wow, I didn't realize you had to deal with stuff like that," Tsu says sadly.

"It's no big deal. My contract was up there anyway. Things are so different in America, but also the very same anywhere, I guess. Like men who can't take a hint. I learned a lot over there," Ochako smirks before saying, "but it felt good dropping him on his ass right after that gross kiss."

"Aha! That's my girl!" Mina shouts.

The ladies all smile and laugh together as they share fun stories and catch up on all the time they spent away from each other.

Ochako was having such a great time reminiscing with her friends. Mina and Tsu haven't changed a bit. Sure, they were all older, but they are still the same gossiping girls she knew from high school. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Ochako finds herself back at the apartment trying to get herself motivated to unpack the moving boxes. She's rummaging around and comes across her high school yearbook and opens it, effectively procrastinating anymore unpacking and curls up on her bed with it.

After the Dust Settles: Bakugo x OchakoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon