Chapter 33

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"Khushi, it's getting late. Shall we go inside?"


Khushi was not in this world. She has everything she wants right here. She tightened the hug. Arnav chuckled seeing this. He slowly moved his head and cupped Khushi's face almost breaking the hug.

"Khushi, we both had a long day, a lot happened and we both are tired. Tomorrow we will have to face the repercussions of today's events so we need to be mentally stable and physically fit. Let's go and sleep now Ok?"

"But Arnav Ji, I love it over here"

"Well Khushi, I don't know about you, but I am not capable of sleeping in a standing position so can we go inside just for my sake?"

Arnav joked making Khushi laugh. Her smile was what Arnav looking for. Her eyes were shining. He didn't wait any longer. 

Arnav bent down and lifted Khushi up in his arms in bridal style. Khushi who didn't expect this grabbed his collar to balance herself. 

Arnav looked into Khushi's eyes and without breaking the eye lock he went inside their room with Khushi in his arms.

Once they are inside, he gently puts her on the bed. Then moved to make sure no surprises are in the room or by the poolside. Once he confirmed they are all alone he locked all the doors to the poolside and left his room curtains open. 

Khushi looked like an angel under the moonlight so he wanted to cherish that as long as he can.

Khushi on the other hand didn't know what to expect. Now that there are no barriers between them what will happen? She was excited and scared at the same time. They've been sharing the same bed for over 3 months now but tonight the equations have changed.

She was laying on the bed facing up and looking at the ceiling. Arnav turned the lights off and lay next to her also facing up and looking at the ceiling.

They didn't know when their hands touched and when their fingers intertwined. As soon as they felt each other touch both turned their heads to look at each other.

Khushi saw the same emotions she saw in Arnav's eyes on their wedding night and Arnav understood every emotion her eyes spoke. They were lost in each other's gaze. Arnav's intense gaze was making Khushi melt inside.

He closed the gap between them and positioned himself on top of her without breaking the eye lock then slowly moved his lips towards her forehead and kissed her. 

Khushi has experienced Arnav's forehead kisses a number of times, but this one was something else.

He then moved toward her right cheek and kissed there. Khushi was losing herself. Her hands dropped to her sides and she grabbed the bedsheet trying to hold on. 

He then moved his lips towards her left side still looking into her eyes and then pressed his lips on her left cheek. Khushi could feel the warmth of his lips. She closed her eyes without being able to take this sweet torture anymore.

"Khushi, open your eyes and look at me"

His husky voice came out like a whisper. She obeyed him like a kid and opened her eyes. His intense chocolate-brown eyes were too much for her. 

She gulped while wetting her lips. That was the signal Arnav was waiting and without even delaying for a second he captured her lips with a force.

His kiss had hunger, lust, determination, possessiveness, belongingness, and love. He put everything he had into that kiss. Khushi was no longer herself. As soon as his lips touched hers she melted inside and she was lost in this beautiful world. 

She has never been kissed and she never thought it feels this good. It felt like heaven.

Arnav's hands touched Khushi's and he intertwined their fingers together, then he moved her hand to an upwards position while biting her lower lip. That made Khushi gasp and he took the chance and started exploring inside of her mouth.

When Khushi thought kissing can't get any better he made this move and Khushi couldn't help but think the initial kiss was nothing compared to what he is doing now. Arnav deepened the kiss making Khushi moan. 

She didn't know what was happening to her. She felt her insides flooding with some unknown emotions.

Arnav broke the kiss and they both started breathing again. Both of them were panting and their hearts were beating faster. 

He straightened himself and pulled Khushi towards him and hugged her from the side. Khushi put her head on Arnav's chest but she was disappointed. She wanted more.

Arnav understood what she was thinking and turned her head towards him.

"Khushi, I love you. I love you more than anything in the world, but that doesn't change the fact that I respect you even more. You deserve all the happiness in this world Khushi. Believe me, when I say this, it killed me to stop it right there. But I had to.

Khushi narrowed her eyes. Arnav continued,

"We both are tired today both mentally and physically, we had a rollercoaster ride today with all the drama. Just because we confessed to each other that we love each other doesn't mean you no longer deserve to be respected. I want this to be a very special moment for you and I promise you that I will make it special for you Khushi. But tonight you need rest. I can't be selfish when it comes to you Khushi."

A small tear came out from her eyes. She always blamed god for taking away her parents at such a young age but today she realized, HE took the best from her so that HE can give her better than the best. Arnav never fails to impress her. One thing she realized today was there is a very thin line between love and respect.

You can love someone without respecting that person but you can't respect someone without loving them.

Khushi hugged him tightly and slowly moved her lips towards his cheek and gave him a soft good night kiss and then quickly hide her face on his chest.

"Khushi, it's high time you stop blushing in front of me. Today was just the trailer Khushi, if you blush like this by just watching the trailer imagine your situation when I show you the full movie?"

She understood what he meant and it made her blush more. Arnav loved seeing the effect he had on her.

"Khushi, stop blushing and sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. So, Good night" He give her another good night forehead kiss and they both fell into a deep slumber.

While Khushi and Arnav had the best night of their life Anjali had the worst night.

She couldn't believe her husband whom she trusted more than anything lied to her. She went through his books and his paperwork and found out Shyam is not a proper lawyer. He never passed his bar.

If he can lie about his work, and his profession, there must be some truth to what Arnav and Akash said. Although her mind believed everything she heard this afternoon, her heart refused to believe it.

Anjali decided what she has to do. First, she must apologize to Arnav, Khushi, Payal, and Akash.

Then she can ask for their help to dig deep into Shyam's life.

Anjali was determined to find out about Shyam and she was not going to let it go so easily. Shyam has seen the vulnerable, fragile and innocent Anjali. What he forgot was, she is, after all, Anjali Singh Raizada.

Raizada's are friendly, helpful, respectful, and very down to earth. But that does not mean anyone can take them for granted. Anjali was a wild animal when she was a kid. She became this sober, soft-spoken, dependable Anjali after her parents killed themselves.

"Shyam, I only put my weapons away, that doesn't mean I forgot how to hunt" Thought Anjali before going to sleep. 


Happy Saturday :) Hope you enjoyed chapter 33. 

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